DP Biology Questionbank

C.4 Conservation of biodiversity
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Nature of science:
Scientists collaborate with other agencies—the preservation of species involves international cooperation through intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations. (4.3)Understandings:
- An indicator species is an organism used to assess a specific environmental condition.
- Relative numbers of indicator species can be used to calculate the value of a biotic index.
- In situ conservation may require active management of nature reserves or national parks.
- Ex situ conservation is the preservation of species outside their natural habitats.
- Biogeographic factors affect species diversity.
- Richness and evenness are components of biodiversity.
Applications and skills:
- Application: Case study of the captive breeding and reintroduction of an endangered animal species.
- Application: Analysis of the impact of biogeographic factors on diversity limited to island size and edge effects.
- Skill: Analysis of the biodiversity of two local communities using Simpson’s reciprocal index of diversity.
- The formula for Simpson’s reciprocal index of diversity is:
D = diversity index, N = total number of organisms of all species found and n = number of individuals of a particular species.
- Aim 8: Scientists supported by governments are devoting relatively large amounts of effort to save particular animal species. Can criteria be established to justify a hierarchy of value of one species over another?
Directly related questions
A calculation of Simpson’s reciprocal index was undertaken on each field with the following results.
Evaluate these results.
- 16N.3.SL.TZ0.14a: Outline the trend in the number of people with malaria during the period when the use of...
- 16N.3.SL.TZ0.13a: Compare and contrast the richness and the evenness of the two fields.
- 16N.3.HL.TZ0.16b: Outline how the edge effect can affect diversity in forests.
- 16N.3.HL.TZ0.16c: The number of plants in two fields of approximately the same size was counted. Compare and...
- 17M.3.SL.TZ1.16c: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of in situ conservation methods.
- 17M.3.SL.TZ1.16b: Site A has a higher Simpson’s reciprocal index than Site B showing that its diversity is...
- 17M.3.SL.TZ2.18: Explain the use of indicator species to assess the condition of the environment.
- 17M.3.HL.TZ1.14b: Define indicator species.
- 17M.3.HL.TZ1.15c: State the two components needed to calculate the biodiversity of an area.
- 17M.3.SL.TZ1.16a: Calculate the diversity of site C. Working should be shown.
Indicator species may be affected by biomagnification. Discuss biomagnification using a named example of a pollutant.
- 17M.3.HL.TZ1.15b: Discuss two advantages of ex situ conservation measures.
- 17M.3.HL.TZ2.15c: When coral is bleached, certain organisms become more common in the ecosystem such as the...
- 20N.3.SL.TZ0.14a.ii: Two components of biodiversity are richness and evenness. Deduce which of the two pools was...
- 20N.3.SL.TZ0.14a.i: Two components of biodiversity are richness and evenness. Deduce which of the two pools was...
- 20N.3.SL.TZ0.14b: Calculation of Simpson’s reciprocal diversity index for both rockpools gives the following...
The graph shows how the number of ant species found on isolated islands near New Guinea depends on the size of the island.
[Source: University of Windsor, The Theory of Island Biogeography. Available at:
http://web2.uwindsor.ca/courses/biology/macisaac/55-437/lecture9.htm.]Explain the relationship between island size and number of ant species.
- 17N.3.SL.TZ0.14c: Outline how deforestation can affect the richness of biodiversity in an ecosystem.
- 17N.3.SL.TZ0.14b: State one reason mammals can continue to survive even if they are extinct in the wild.
Explain the impact of plastic waste on Laysan albatrosses (Phoebastria immutabilis).
- 17N.3.SL.TZ0.14a: Calculate how many species are classified as endangered due to hunting and trapping.
State the role of an indicator species.
Identify possible approaches to maintain the population of P. sandwichensis.
- 18N.3.HL.TZ0.15c: Outline how organisms in Group V could be used to measure pollution in an environment.
- 18N.3.SL.TZ0.13c: Distinguish between richness and evenness as components of biodiversity.
- 18N.3.HL.TZ0.15a: Identify the group that is most intolerant to pollution.
- 18N.3.HL.TZ0.15b.i: Deduce the meaning of ni in this formula.
- 18N.3.HL.TZ0.15b.ii: Deduce the meaning of ai in this formula.
State which species could be found in mildly polluted water.
- 18N.3.SL.TZ0.13b: State the name given to organisms whose presence or absence reflects an environmental condition.
- 18N.3.SL.TZ0.13d: Explain how edge effects can influence biodiversity in a region.
- 18M.3.SL.TZ2.12a: Determine how far from the forest edge an increase in disturbance-adapted beetles would be detected.
Outline what is meant by the edge effect.
- 18M.3.SL.TZ1.12b: Analyse the differences in biodiversity seen in the three sites.
- 18M.3.SL.TZ2.12b: With respect to the example of disturbance-adapted beetles, explain what is meant by an indicator...
- 18M.3.SL.TZ2.12c: Outline how reserve size and shape can impact edge effects.
Explain biogeographic factors that increase the effectiveness of nature reserves.
- 19M.3.SL.TZ1.11a: From the data, identify the depth along the transect where the greatest species richness is...
- 19M.3.SL.TZ1.12: Outline one example of an active management strategy employed in the context of in situ...
- 19M.3.SL.TZ1.11b: Outline the relationship between Zooxanthellae and reef-building coral reef species.
- 19M.3.HL.TZ1.16b: Distinguish between ex situ and in situ conservation of endangered species.
Barnacles are sensitive to pollution. Outline how it might be possible to use these organisms as indicator species.
Describe the distribution of C. montagui and S. balanoides barnacles in Butter Lump Bay.
- 19M.3.SL.TZ2.14b: Explain the likely effects on biodiversity if a forest becomes fragmented.
- 19M.3.SL.TZ2.12d: State one abiotic factor that could have determined the distribution of barnacles.
E. modestus is an invasive barnacle while the others are native species. Analyse the data to show how it supports this statement.
- 19M.3.SL.TZ2.14a: State two abiotic factors that are increased in the fragmented forest with respect to the centre...
Outline how the data could have been obtained.
Outline a named example of the captive breeding and reintroduction of an endangered animal species.
- 19N.3.HL.TZ0.16a: State one advantage of this in situ conservation method.
- 19N.3.HL.TZ0.16c: State what a high value of Simpson’s reciprocal index of diversity suggests about an ecosystem.
- 19N.3.SL.TZ0.15a: State the impact of environmental disturbance on biodiversity.
- 19N.3.HL.TZ0.15c: Describe the use of indicator species in monitoring environmental change.