DP Biology Questionbank

8.1 Metabolism
Path: |
Nature of science: Developments in scientific research follow improvements in computing—developments in bioinformatics, such as the interrogation of databases, have facilitated research into metabolic pathways. (3.8) |
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Some bacteria can synthesize the amino acid isoleucine from threonine, a process involving five enzymes (E1 to E5) and four intermediary products (P, Q, R and S). The production of isoleucine is controlled by end-product inhibition.
Which statement describes this end-product inhibition?
A. If isoleucine accumulates, it inhibits the production of P.
B. End-product inhibition causes a build-up of intermediary products.
C. Isoleucine inhibits E5, so no more isoleucine is produced.
D. Isoleucine affects the structure of threonine.
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[Source: © International Baccalaureate Organization 2019]
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The grey line in each of the graphs below represents the rate of reaction catalysed by an uninhibited enzyme as substrate concentration is increased.
Which graph shows expected results if a competitive inhibitor was added to the reaction?
[Source: © International Baccalaureate Organization 2019]