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Date May 2017 Marks available 2 Reference code 17M.3.HL.TZ1.6
Level Higher level Paper Paper 3 Time zone Time zone 1
Command term List Question number 6 Adapted from N/A


A study examined the effects of four weeks of intensive training in athletes on vertical jumping performance and neuromuscular learning. The graph shows the results for jumping height.

Outline the effect of training on jumping performance.


List the different types of neurons involved in a reflex arc.


Predict whether an animal such as a laboratory rat could be encouraged to learn a new behaviour pattern.


Using an example, describe how innate behaviour may increase the chances of survival of a species.



a. jumping performance shows an improvement «during the first two/three weeks»
no/little improvement as error bars all overlap 

b. «during the period of this investigation» it reaches a plateau 

c. the investigation was over a short time and is not conclusive of the effects of training over a longer period


a. sensory/afferent neuron 

b. motor/efferent neuron 

c. relay neuron/interneuron

Two correct for [1]
Three correct for [2]


a. operant conditioning/classical conditioning/trial and error experiences 

b. behaviour could be modified by positive/negative reinforcement 

c. animal makes an association between a particular behaviour and a consequence

Accept reward/punishment and/or examples such as food/electric shock.


a. innate behaviour inherited/develops independently of environment
Changes in innate behaviour depend on change in frequency of alleles that cause the behaviour ✓

b. example of an innate behaviour ✓

c. description of the behaviour ✓

d. outcomes affecting survival

b. synchronized oestrus in female lions

c. female lions can share responsibilities / females can suckle each other’s cubs allowing some mothers to hunt

d. cubs are more likely to survive when they are raised in a group «nursery» rather than by a solitary mother /group of male cubs can leave pride together helping each other


Examiners report


Syllabus sections

Option A: Neurobiology and behaviour » Option A: Neurobiology and behaviour (Core topics) » A.1 Neural development
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Option A: Neurobiology and behaviour » Option A: Neurobiology and behaviour (Core topics)
Option A: Neurobiology and behaviour

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