DP History Questionbank

8. Interwar years: conflict and cooperation 1919‑39
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This section deals with the period between the two World Wars and the attempts to promote international cooperation and collective security. Obstacles to cooperation, such as post-war revisionism, economic crises and challenges to democracy and political legitimacy in Italy, Germany and Spain respectively, all require examination and consideration. The policies of the right-wing regimes and the responses of democratic states are also the focus of this section.
Germany 1919‑33: political, constitutional, economic, financial and social problems
Italy 1919‑39: Mussolini’s domestic and foreign policies
The impact of the Great Depression (case study of its effect on one country in Europe)
Spanish Civil War: background to the outbreak of the Civil War; causes and consequences; foreign involvement; reasons for Nationalist victory
Hitler’s domestic and foreign policy (1933‑39)
Search for collective security; appeasement in the interwar years; the failure of international diplomacy; the outbreak of war in 1939