DP History Questionbank

10. China: the regional superpower from mid 20th century to 2000
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This section deals with the emergence of China as a world power under the rule of the Chinese Communist Party. The process involved great upheavals in China itself as the Communist Party under Chairman Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung) imposed its rule and Mao’s vision of a socialist state. A more pragmatic regime since Mao’s death has overseen the modernization of China’s economy and its emergence as a growing economic power within the global economy. Given its size, population and military strength, it had become the regional superpower by 2000.
Establishment of the Communist state 1949‑1961; the role of Mao
Transition to socialism; successes and failures in social and economic developments 1949‑61
Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution: causes and effects, political, social and cultural impact
Foreign affairs 1949‑76: Sino-American relations; establishment and breakdown of Sino–Soviet relations/conflicts; China as a global power
China after Mao: the struggle for power, “Gang of Four” and leadership of Deng Xiaoping (Teng Hsiao-p’ing) 1976‑97; political and economic developments; Jiang Zemin (Chiang T’se-min)
China’s impact on the region: relations with other states; Hong Kong and its return to China; economic, political and social developments in Nationalist China (Taiwan)