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Date November 2019 Marks available 15 Reference code 19N.3op3.HL.TZ0.31
Level Higher level only Paper Paper 3 (History of Asia and Oceania) Time zone TZ0
Command term Discuss Question number 31 Adapted from N/A


Section 16: Developments and challenges in South Asia after 1947

Discuss the social and economic challenges facing Pakistan following its independence.


The question requires that candidates offer a considered and balanced review of the social and economic challenges facing Pakistan. Candidates may offer equal coverage of social and economic challenges or they may prioritize their discussion of one. However, both aspects will be a feature of the response. Candidates may refer to the loss of lives and property during partition and the refugee crisis as several million Muslims fled from India into Pakistan. Pakistan did not have the necessary facilities to house so many new citizens. The provinces were mostly underdeveloped, with very little industry. Agriculture did not produce a sufficient surplus to create the wealth needed for industrialization. Landlessness and agrarian poverty remained significant economic challenges. There were several ethnic groups with their own traditions and cultures such as Punjabis, Pakhtuns and Bengalis. National language also became an issue. Literacy levels were low and public health was a challenge as were cholera, malaria and several other diseases which affected the population. While other relevant factors, for example demarcation of boundaries and control over Kashmir, may be referred to, the bulk of the response will remain on social and economic challenges.

Examiners report


Syllabus sections

HL options: first exams 2017 » HL option 3: History of Asia and Oceania » 16: Developments and challenges in South Asia after 1947 » Pakistan 1947–1991: nation building; social, political and economic developments and challenges; friction between East and West Pakistan; cultural and linguistic differences; constitutional referendum (1991); Jinnah; Ayub Khan; Zulfikar Ali Bhutto; Zia-ul-Haq; Benazir Bhutto
HL options: first exams 2017 » HL option 3: History of Asia and Oceania » 16: Developments and challenges in South Asia after 1947
HL options: first exams 2017 » HL option 3: History of Asia and Oceania
HL options: first exams 2017

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