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Date November 2018 Marks available 15 Reference code 18N.3op3.HL.TZ0.5
Level Higher level only Paper Paper 3 (History of Asia and Oceania) Time zone TZ0
Command term Evaluate Question number 5 Adapted from N/A


Evaluate the impact of European settlements on the indigenous peoples of the region.


Candidates are required to make an appraisal of the impact of European settlements on the indigenous peoples in the region. There may be different approaches to this question and an appraisal could be achieved by considering the changing nature of the impact over time. There may be consideration of positive and negative effects of the settlements, or of whether social, economic or political effects were greater. European settlements could include those of the Spanish, Portuguese, French, Dutch and British and candidates may choose to focus on one in depth or have a broader discussion of several. The social impact may be considered to have encompassed the impact of missionaries on society and the impact on education, language and culture. Economic effects may include the issue of international trade and exploitation of resources. Political effects could refer to rebellions and the demise of local leaders.

Examiners report


Syllabus sections

HL options: first exams 2017 » HL option 3: History of Asia and Oceania » 3: Exploration, trade and interaction in East Asia and South-East Asia (1405–1700) » Reasons for, and impact of, the expeditions, and nature of the settlements, of the Spanish, Portuguese, French, Dutch and British; impact of European settlements on the indigenous people; social, religious and cultural exchange; demographic and territorial changes
HL options: first exams 2017 » HL option 3: History of Asia and Oceania » 3: Exploration, trade and interaction in East Asia and South-East Asia (1405–1700)
HL options: first exams 2017 » HL option 3: History of Asia and Oceania
HL options: first exams 2017

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