DP Geography Questionbank
Physical characteristics
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Examine the relationship between coastal processes (tides, wave action, littoral drift, wind action), lithology, subaerial processes and different coastal landforms. Identify the major landforms of beaches, dunes and cliffs along advancing and retreating coasts.Directly related questions
(i) Identify two of the landforms shown in the diagram.
(ii) Outline how wave action could lead to the collapse of the cliff.
(i) State one natural cause and one human cause of sand dune degradation.
(ii) Identify two ways in which people are attempting to restore the sand dunes shown in the photograph.
State two causes of a negative change in sea level.
Briefly describe one landform associated with an advancing coast.
- 18M.2.bp.3a.iii: State the direction towards which longshore drift is most likely to occur at X on the diagram.
- 18M.2.bp.3a.iv: State one landform likely to be produced by longshore drift at X.