DP Geography Questionbank

Urban populations
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[N/A]Directly related questions
Define the term suburbanization.
- .2.bp.13aii: Referring to map evidence, briefly describe two processes, excluding suburbanization, that have...
(i) Identify the region with the highest proportion of people living in urban areas in 2014.
(ii) Identify the region with the lowest rate of urbanization between 1950 and 2050.
(iii) Describe the change in the proportion of people living in urban areas in Latin America and the Caribbean between 1950 and 2050.
Analyse the contribution of natural change to population density patterns in urban areas.
Using examples, explain two reasons for the growth of suburbs.
Explain one reason, other than migration, why the number of megacities has risen globally in recent years.
Outline what is meant by the term “megacity”.
Using the map, describe the global distribution of megacities in 2015.
Explain one economic reason why large numbers of people have migrated to megacities in recent years.
- 957232: This is an example question for the example test. You can delete this question.
Sub sections and their related questions
(i) Identify the region with the highest proportion of people living in urban areas in 2014.
(ii) Identify the region with the lowest rate of urbanization between 1950 and 2050.
(iii) Describe the change in the proportion of people living in urban areas in Latin America and the Caribbean between 1950 and 2050.
- 957232: This is an example question for the example test. You can delete this question.
Inward movement
- .2.bp.13aii: Referring to map evidence, briefly describe two processes, excluding suburbanization, that have...
Explain one economic reason why large numbers of people have migrated to megacities in recent years.
Explain one reason, other than migration, why the number of megacities has risen globally in recent years.
Outward movement
Define the term suburbanization.
- .2.bp.13aii: Referring to map evidence, briefly describe two processes, excluding suburbanization, that have...
Using examples, explain two reasons for the growth of suburbs.
Natural change
- .2.bp.13aii: Referring to map evidence, briefly describe two processes, excluding suburbanization, that have...
Analyse the contribution of natural change to population density patterns in urban areas.
The global megacity
Outline what is meant by the term “megacity”.
Using the map, describe the global distribution of megacities in 2015.