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Date May 2017 Marks available 15 Reference code 17M.1.bp.7
Level SL and HL Paper 1 Time zone
Command term Examine Question number 7 Adapted from N/A


Examine the changing importance of oil as an energy source.


Answers should focus on the recent changing importance (production/consumption) of oil. This may be relative to the changing use of other sources, or in relation to consumption trends and conservation.

Answers should recognize that the global demand for oil is increasing as populations grow and countries develop economically. Some quantitative or qualitative detail would be expected in terms of explaining and comparing the changed importance. There may be some discussion of the price of oil which, at the writing of this in January 2016 has fallen to below $30 a barrel. This “cheap” oil will boost its importance as an energy source at the expense of many cleaner alternatives.

Responses could briefly look at the importance of oil in relation to other non-renewable fossil fuels, such as coal and natural gas and renewable energy sources. It is also possible that they look at new sources of oil, eg tar sands extraction in Canada, or fracking and the revolution that it has brought to US energy security.

Responses may address the externalities of oil production. The importance of oil has been impacted on by environmental damage caused by spills and pollution resulting from extraction. There are also geopolitical consequences of oil production when exploration for new sources causes conflict between nations.

Answers may also refer to any scale (local, national, regional, global), but this is not a requirement for the award of full marks.

Students whose world view of the importance of oil are outdated but still in line with their lifetime or in line with text book material should not be penalized.

At band D expect description of the importance of oil as an energy source over time.

At band E expect either detailed explanation of the changing importance of oil (probably in relation to other sources) or some examination of what is meant by “importance” (may examine trends for different countries/regions, or contrast local and global scales).

At band F, expect both.

Marks should be allocated according to the markbands.

Examiners report


Syllabus sections

Last exams 2018 » Last exams 2018 - Core » Patterns in resource consumption » Changing patterns of energy consumption
Last exams 2018 » Last exams 2018 - Core » Patterns in resource consumption
Last exams 2018 » Last exams 2018 - Core

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