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Date November 2010 Marks available 3 Reference code 10N.3.SL.TZ0.7
Level Standard level Paper Paper 3 Time zone TZ0
Command term Explain Question number 7 Adapted from N/A


Metabolic pathways can be controlled by end-product inhibition of the enzyme-catalysed reactions.

KAS III is the initial enzyme of fatty acid production in plants and bacteria. The substrates for this reaction are acetyl CoA and malonyl-ACP.

Three different strains of plant were generated, each with a different mutated KAS III gene: M1, M2 and M3. The enzyme activity of the normal (wild-type) and the three mutant strains was tested without and with the addition of the inhibitor, dodecanoyl-ACP. Dodecanoyl-ACP has a similar structure to malonyl-ACP. The graph shows the mean activity of the enzymes.

State the activity of the wild-type enzyme without the inhibitor and with the inhibitor.

Without inhibitor:


With inhibitor:     


Distinguish between the enzyme activity without the inhibitor in the wild-type and the mutant strains.


Explain why the activity of the enzyme from wild-type plants changes when the inhibitor is added.


The scientists concluded that the enzymes of the mutant plants had a reduced activity, but were insensitive to the inhibition by dodecanoyl-ACP. Evaluate these conclusions.



without inhibitor: 5.2 μmol min-1 mg-1 (units required)

with inhibitor: 1.4 μmol min-1 mg-1 (units required)

Both needed to award the mark.


wild-type enzyme has greater activity than the mutant enzymes


a. inhibitor is similar in shape/structure to malonyl-ACP which is a substrate of the reaction;

b. inhibitor is competing for the active site / competitive inhibition;

c. attaches to active site and does not let reaction occur;

d. if more substrate is added then the inhibition will be less;


a. activity of mutant enzymes without the inhibitor is always lower than wild-type;

b. activity of mutant enzymes with the inhibitor is always less than without;

c. but the differences are not as great as in the wild-type enzyme / the mutant enzymes were less sensitive to the inhibitor;

d. the activity of the mutant enzymes with the inhibitor are always higher than the activity of the wild-type enzyme with the inhibitor;

e. the data does not indicate whether these differences are significant or not / difference between wild-type enzyme and M1 enzyme not great;


Examiners report

Candidates were able to correctly identify the enzyme activity using the graphs.


Most saw that the wild-type enzyme had greater activity than the mutant form.


There were some good responses earning 2 out of 3 marks but few responses earned full marks.


This question was difficult for the candidates and very few answered it correctly. A few candidates earned one mark for stating that the activity of the mutant enzymes without the inhibitor is always lower than the wild-type but they were not able to evaluate the data to identify differences in sensitivity to the inhibitor.


Syllabus sections

Additional higher level » Topic 8: Metabolism, cell respiration and photosynthesis » 8.1 Metabolism
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