
DP IB Chemistry: HL

Practice Paper Questions

Home / IB / Chemistry: HL / DP / Practice Paper Questions / Set B / Practice Paper 1

Practice Paper 1

Question 1

Marks: 1

    Choose your answer

    Question 2

    Marks: 1

      Choose your answer

      Question 3

      Marks: 1

        Choose your answer

        Question 4

        Marks: 1

          Choose your answer

          Question 5

          Marks: 1

          Successive ionisation energies for an element, Y, are shown in the table below.

          Electrons removed






          Ionisation energy / kJ mol-1






          What is the most likely formula for the ion of Y?

          • Y+

          • Y2+

          • Y3+

          • Y4+

          Choose your answer

          Question 6

          Marks: 1

            Choose your answer

            Question 7

            Marks: 1

            Use a periodic table to deduce the correct information about the element tin, Sn (Z = 50)

              Number of occupied
            main energy levels
            Number of electrons in the
            highest main energy level













              Choose your answer

              Question 8

              Marks: 1

              Which complex is likely to be colourless?

              • [Zn(H2O)6]Cl2

              • [NH4]2[Fe(H2O)6][SO4]2

              • K3[Co(CN)6]

              • [Ni(NH3)6][BF4]2

              Choose your answer
              Key Concepts
              Transition Elements

              Question 9

              Marks: 1

              Which type of bonding can be described as ‘the electrostatic attraction between positive nuclei and electrons and occurs by the sharing of electrons’? 

              • Hydrogen bonding

              • Ionic bonding 

              • Metallic bonding 

              • Covalent bonding 

              Choose your answer

              Question 10

              Marks: 1

              Which of the following are properties of transition metals?

              1. They have variable oxidation states
              2. They can behave as catalysts
              3. They can have magnetic properties

              • I and II only

              • I and III only

              • II and III only

              • I, II and III

              Choose your answer
              Key Concepts
              Transition Elements

              Question 11

              Marks: 1

              Which is a characteristic property of sodium oxide?

              • It turns moist litmus paper blue

              • It turns moist litmus paper red

              • When it dissolves in distilled water it forms a solution with pH less than 7

              • It reacts with magnesium metal

              Choose your answer

              Question 12

              Marks: 1

              Sulfur forms the compound S4N4 with nitrogen, the structure is shown below.q10_4-2_ib_sl_hard_mcq

                Which of the following statements about S4N4 is correct?

              • The sulfur atom marked x has two lone pairs

              • The sulfur atom marked y has two lone pairs

              • Each N atom has two lone pairs 

              • The N-S-N bond angle will be larger than S=N=S bond angle 

              Choose your answer

              Question 13

              Marks: 1

              Which combination describes the PH4+ ion?


              Molecular geometry

              Central atom hybridisation





              Square planar






              Square planar


                Choose your answer

                Question 14

                Marks: 1

                Which enthalpy changes correctly describe the following reactions? 

                Reaction 1: HNO3 (aq) + NH3 (aq) → NH4NO3 (aq)

                Reaction 2: CuCO3 (s) → CuO (s) + CO2 (g)

                Reaction 3: S (s) + O2 (g) → SO2 (g)



























                  Choose your answer

                  Question 15

                  Marks: 1

                  Bond energy calculations show the enthalpy of combustion for propene to be -1572.0 kJ mol-1.


                  C3H6 (g)

                  CO2 (g)

                  H2O (l)

                  H2O (g)

                  ΔHӨf / kJ mol-1






                  Using the enthalpy of formation data, which calculation correctly shows the percentage error between propene’s enthalpy of combustion values obtained from bond energy calculations and Hess’s Law calculations, assuming the bond energy calculation value is correct?

                  • begin mathsize 14px style fraction numerator negative 1572.0 over denominator left parenthesis left parenthesis 3 space cross times space minus 393.5 right parenthesis space plus space left parenthesis 3 space cross times space minus 241.8 right parenthesis space minus space left parenthesis 20 right parenthesis right parenthesis space minus space 1572.0 end fraction x space 100 end style

                  • begin mathsize 14px style fraction numerator left parenthesis 3 space cross times space minus 393.5 right parenthesis space plus space left parenthesis 3 space cross times space minus 241.8 right parenthesis space minus space left parenthesis 20 right parenthesis over denominator negative 1572.0 end fraction x space 100 end style

                  • begin mathsize 14px style fraction numerator left parenthesis 3 space cross times space minus 393.5 right parenthesis space plus space left parenthesis 3 space cross times space minus 241.8 right parenthesis space plus space left parenthesis 20 right parenthesis over denominator negative 1572.0 end fraction cross times 100 end style

                  • begin mathsize 14px style fraction numerator left parenthesis left parenthesis 3 space cross times space minus 393.5 right parenthesis space plus space left parenthesis 3 space cross times space minus 241.8 right parenthesis space minus space left parenthesis 20 right parenthesis right parenthesis space minus space left parenthesis negative 1572.0 right parenthesis over denominator negative 1572.0 end fraction cross times space 100 end style

                  Choose your answer

                  Question 16

                  Marks: 1

                  The ΔGϴf values for the following substances are shown.


                  ΔGϴf (kJ mol-1)

                  NH3 (g)


                  O2 (g)


                  H2O (g)


                  NO (g)



                  Which of the following is the correct calculation to determine ΔGϴ

                  4NH3 (g) + 5O2 (g) ⇌ 6H2O (g) + 4NO (g)

                  • (-228.6 + 87.6) + (-16.4)

                  • (-16.4 x 4) - [(-228.6 x 6) + (87.6 x 4)]

                  • [-228.6 + (87.6 x 4)] - (-16.4 x 4)

                  • [(-228.6 x 6) + (87.6 x 4)] - (-16.4 x 4)

                  Choose your answer

                  Question 17

                  Marks: 1

                  Which statements are correct for ionic compounds?

                  1. Solubility in water depends on the relative magnitude of the lattice energy compared to the hydration energy
                  2. Melting points of ionic compounds increase as the size of the cation increases
                  3. The enthalpy of solution for calcium chloride is represented by CaCl2 (s) → CaCl2 (aq)

                  • I and II only

                  • I and III only

                  • II and III only

                  • I, II and III

                  Choose your answer

                  Question 18

                  Marks: 1

                    Choose your answer

                    Question 19

                    Marks: 1

                      Choose your answer

                      Question 20

                      Marks: 1

                      A student experimentally determined the rate expression for the reaction between iodine and propanone to be: 

                      Rate = k [H+] [C3H6O] 

                      Which graph is consistent with this information?


                        Choose your answer

                        Question 21

                        Marks: 1

                        The following information was obtained for the rate constant, k, for a reaction at 25 OC




                        2.57 × 109 s–1

                        96.2 kJ mol–1

                        8.31 J K–1 mol–1

                        Which expression correctly represents how to calculate the rate constant, k?

                        • k = (2.57 x 109) x e(-96.2 / 8.31×25)

                        • k = (2.57 x 109) x e(-96.2 / 8.31×298)

                        • k = (2.57 x 109) x e(-96200 / 8.31×25)

                        • k = (2.57 x 109) x e(-96200 / 8.31×298)

                        Choose your answer
                        Key Concepts
                        The Arrhenius Equation

                        Question 22

                        Marks: 1

                        Consider the following reversible reaction:

                        3O2 (g) ⇌ 2O3 (g) 

                        What is the value of Kc when the equilibrium concentrations are [O2] = 4.0 mol dm-3 and [O3] = 4.0 mol dm-3 ?

                        • 0.25

                        • 4

                        • 16

                        • 64

                        Choose your answer
                        Key Concepts
                        Equilibrium Problems

                        Question 23

                        Marks: 1

                        Which of the following equations is used when calculating the temperature, in Kelvin, at which a reaction becomes feasible if ΔHΘ = x and ΔSΘ = y.

                        • Tbegin mathsize 14px style x over y end style

                        • T = x y

                        • T = x + y

                        • Tbegin mathsize 14px style italic y over italic x end style

                        Choose your answer

                        Question 24

                        Marks: 1

                        In the Brønsted–Lowry theory of acids and bases, the difference between a conjugate acid and its conjugate base is the presence of which of the following?

                        • a positive charge

                        • a pair of electrons

                        • a proton

                        • a hydrogen atom

                        Choose your answer

                        Question 25

                        Marks: 1

                        How many different types of ions can be found in acid rain, assuming it contains a mixture of sulfuric, sulfurous, nitric and nitrous acids?

                        • 4

                        • 5

                        • 6

                        • 7

                        Choose your answer

                        Question 26

                        Marks: 1

                        Which of the following statements are correct for a titration between 0.10 mol dm-3 propanoic acid and 0.10 mol dm-3 potassium hydroxide? 

                        • The equivalence point will be at pH 7

                        • The salt formed will hydrolyse to form an acidic salt 

                        • The salt formed will be CH3COOK

                        • At half equivalence point [CH3CH2COOH (aq)] = [CH3CH2COO- (aq)]

                        Choose your answer

                        Question 27

                        Marks: 1

                        Which of the following statements is correct? 

                        • As temperature increases, the pH value of pure water decreases

                        • As temperature decreases, the pH value of pure water decreases

                        • The pH of water is unaffected by temperature 

                        • Pure water is not neutral 

                        Choose your answer
                        Key Concepts
                        Relating Kw to Ka

                        Question 28

                        Marks: 1

                          Choose your answer

                          Question 29

                          Marks: 1

                          Which of the following reactions could take place at the positive electrode (cathode) in a voltaic cell? 

                          1.   Cu2+ (aq) to Cu (s)
                          2.   Br2 (g) to Br- (aq)
                          3.   Co3+ (aq) to Co2+(aq)
                          • I and II only

                          • I and III only

                          • II and III only

                          • I, II and III

                          Choose your answer

                          Question 30

                          Marks: 1

                          Consider these standard electrode potentials.

                          Fe2+ (aq) + 2e- rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoonFe (s) EΘ = -0.45 V

                          Cu2+ (aq) + 2e- rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoonCu (s) EΘ = +0.15 V

                          Which is the correct working to determine EΘcell?

                          • EΘcell = 0.15 - (-0.45)

                          • EΘcell = 0.15 + (-0.45)

                          • EΘcell = (-0.45) - 0.15

                          • EΘcell = 0.15 x (-0.45)

                          Choose your answer

                          Question 31

                          Marks: 1

                            Choose your answer

                            Question 32

                            Marks: 1

                            Which factors affect the rate of nucleophilic substitution in halogenoalkanes?

                            1. The nature of the attacking nucleophile
                            2. The structure of the halogenoalkane
                            3. The identity of the halogen

                            •  I and II only

                            •  I and III only

                            • II and III only

                            • I, II and III

                            Choose your answer

                            Question 33

                            Marks: 1

                              Choose your answer

                              Question 34

                              Marks: 1

                              An alkene, X, undergoes electrophilic addition with hydrogen bromide to form a halogenoalkane, Y, as the minor product. 

                              The halogenoalkane, Y , can react with sodium hydroxide in aqueous conditions to form butan-1-ol. 

                              What is the correct identity of the alkene, X? 

                              • 2-methylpropene

                              • But-1-ene

                              • But-2-ene 

                              • Pent-1-ene

                              Choose your answer

                              Question 35

                              Marks: 1

                                Choose your answer

                                Question 36

                                Marks: 1

                                What is this molecule called?

                                • Z-2-bromo-1-chloro-2-fluoroethene

                                • E-2-bromo-1-chloro-2-fluoroethene

                                • Z-1-bromo-2-chloro-1-fluoroethene

                                • E-1-bromo-2-chloro-1-fluoroethene

                                Choose your answer

                                Question 37

                                Marks: 1

                                The synthesis of 2-propyl propanoate can be carried out in two steps:


                                                         CH3COCH3   →  CH3CH(OH)CH3


                                                  CH3CH(OH)CH3  → C2H5COOCH(CH3)2 

                                What are the reagents needed in I and II?





                                potassium dichromate(VI)

                                sulfuric acid, propanoic acid


                                sodium borohydride

                                sulfuric acid, propanoic acid


                                sodium borohydride

                                sulfuric acid, ethanoic acid


                                potassium dichromate(VI)

                                sulfuric acid, ethanoic acid

                                  Choose your answer

                                  Question 38

                                  Marks: 1

                                    Choose your answer

                                    Question 39

                                    Marks: 1

                                    The 1H NMR spectrum of CH3CHCl2 shows two signals.

                                    What is the correct assignment of splitting patterns for these signals?

                                      CH3 group CH group
                                    A doublet quartet
                                    B quartet doublet
                                    C singlet singlet
                                    D triplet singlet

                                      Choose your answer
                                      Key Concepts
                                      High Resolution NMR

                                      Question 40

                                      Marks: 1

                                      Which row correctly describes the splitting pattern observed on the 1H NMR spectrum for each labelled hydrogen?


                                      • One doublet and four triplets

                                      • One triplet, one quartet and one singlet

                                      • One triplet, one doublet and three singlets

                                      • One triplet, one quartet and three singlets

                                      Choose your answer