DP Psychology Questionbank

Treatment of disorders
[N/A]Directly related questions
20N.Paper 2.BP.TZ0.3:
Discuss the use of one or more psychological treatments for one psychological disorder.
21M.Paper 2.HL.TZ0.3:
Discuss one or more ethical considerations in relation to the treatment of one or more psychological disorders.
21N.Paper 2.HL.TZ0.3:
Evaluate one or more studies related to the treatment of one or more psychological disorders.
22M.Paper 2.HL.TZ0.3:
Discuss one biological treatment and one psychological treatment for one or more psychological disorders.
19M.Paper 2.BP.TZ0.3:
Discuss the role of culture in the treatment of one or more disorders.
19N.Paper 2.BP.TZ0.3:
Evaluate the effectiveness of one or more treatments.