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Date May Specimen paper Marks available 5 Reference code SPM.1.AHL.TZ0.4
Level Additional Higher Level Paper Paper 1 (without calculator) Time zone Time zone 0
Command term Sketch Question number 4 Adapted from N/A


The following diagram shows the graph of  y = f ( x ) . The graph has a horizontal asymptote at  y = 1 . The graph crosses the  x -axis at  x = 1 and  x = 1 , and the  y -axis at  y = 2 .

On the following set of axes, sketch the graph of  y = [ f ( x ) ] 2 + 1 , clearly showing any asymptotes with their equations and the coordinates of any local maxima or minima.



no y values below 1        A1

horizontal asymptote at y = 2 with curve approaching from below as x ±         A1

(±1,1) local minima        A1

(0,5) local maximum        A1

smooth curve and smooth stationary points        A1

[5 marks]

Examiners report


Syllabus sections

Topic 2—Functions » AHL 2.16—Graphing modulus equations and inequalities
Topic 2—Functions

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