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Date May 2021 Marks available 10 Reference code 21M.2.SL.TZ0.4
Level Standard level Paper Paper 2 Time zone Time zone 0
Command term Recommend Question number 4 Adapted from N/A


ReVolve Ltd (RV)

ReVolve Ltd (RV ) manufactures and sells high-quality, high-priced bicycles to high-income earners. Operating in a niche market, its advertising slogan and unique selling point/proposition (USP) is “hand made to order, in the USA, delivered within seven days”. Brand loyalty is strong, but brand recognition outside of its customer base is weak. 98 % of its sales are to customers living within 50 miles of the business.

Prior to 2017, RV received an increasing number of customer complaints that phone lines were often engaged and calls not returned. As such, it adopted e-commerce. Its website now allows customers to:

RV employs 20 highly paid, skilled employees using job production. To retain these workers, RV has raised their wages significantly since 2016.

Increasing competition from imports of hand-made high-quality bikes has forced down prices in this niche market. RV has been making increasingly larger losses since 2017. In 2020, its sales fell by 15 %. Inflation is forecasted at between 2 % and 3 % for the next three years. As such, RV’s directors are considering two options to enable it to lower the prices of its bicycles.

Option 1: Offshore production to China, where production costs are significantly lower. The bicycles would be manufactured using batch production. RV would focus only on the design and marketing of its bicycles.

Option 2: Invest in new job production techniques that enable parts to be glued rather than welded, which only requires unskilled labour. Investment would cost $3 500 000 and the forecasted annual net cash flow is $600 000.

[Source: [Bicycle] Hall, E., (2006). My new bicycle [online]. Available at (CC BY-SA 2.0) [Accessed 29 August 2019].]

Define the term niche market.


Explain two benefits to RV of the decision to adopt e-commerce.


Calculate the payback period if RV chooses Option 2 (show all your working).


Explain one disadvantage to RV of using the payback period method of investment appraisal.


Recommend whether RV ’s directors should choose Option 1 or Option 2.



A niche market is a small market segment. The products are usually specialised, aimed at satisfying specific market needs for a well-defined segment of the population.

Candidates are not expected to word their responses exactly as above. If a candidate uses the word smaller rather than small, accept.

Award [1] for some understanding.

Award [2] for a clear definition.


PLEASE NOTE: This content is not included in the syllabus for 2024 exams onward. Related parts of this multi-part question may be used.

Benefits must be to RV not just to customers – a benefit to a customer can only be rewarded if the answers goes on to explain how this benefit also helps the business.
For example, stating that a website allows the customer to view the business products 24x7 (or to place orders from the comfort of their own home) is on its own not rewardable. The candidate would need to go on to state that this situation may lead to increased orders for RV bicycles for the response to be rewardable.

Benefits may include:

Accept any other relevant benefit.

Award [1] for stating a benefit to RV from adopting e-commerce and an additional [1]for its explanation with reference to RV. Award a maximum of [2] per benefit.

Mark as 2 + 2. Maximum award: [4].


The payback is:

Payback formula = initial investmentnet cash flow per year 


= 5 years and 10 months OR 5.833 years



= 5 years and 10 months OR 5.833 years

Award [1] for correct formula (with or without figures)
Award [1] for correct figures but incorrect final answer

(e.g. $3.5 $0.6= 5.5 years).

Award [2] for correct answer with working.


One disadvantage is that the payback method fails to take into account the time value of money and adjust the cash inflows accordingly. [1]
Though the forecasted net returns each year are $600 000, the inflation in the country is forecast to remain in the 2–3 % range for the next three years. Therefore, the real value of the annual $600 000 will be less in years 1 to 3, thus overstating the return on the investment.

Also, the payback analysis fails to consider inflows of cash that occur beyond the payback period [1] – in this case we are not told the life of the investment so we cannot see how much the net returns will be for the life of the investment [1].

Award [1] for a disadvantage of the payback method and [1] for its application to RV.


Refer to Paper 2 markbands for 2016 forward, available under the "Your tests" tab > supplemental materials

Option 1 advantages
RV will have lower production costs as production costs are lower in China. This option will help the business deal with the low-priced imports.

It will allow RV to concentrate on design and marketing, which may enable it to improve its designs and marketing and, thus, increase sales.

Option 1 disadvantages:
The Chinese factory uses batch production, which will affect RV’s ability to produce bicycles that fit their customer’s demands. Currently, RV can meet customer demands because the business uses job production.

RV will no longer have control over production and quality standards may deteriorate.

Transport issues from China will mean that RV will not be able to deliver bicycles to customers within 7 days of receipt of their orders. RV’s advertising slogan will need to change as the business will no longer hand make orders in the USA.

Option 2 advantages
RV will have lower production costs because it will no longer need expensive, skilled labour. Lower costs will help the business deal with the low-priced imports.

Production will remain in the USA and it can retain job production.

RV will likely not have delivery time issues.

Option 2 disadvantages:
Will need to make existing skilled employees redundant which will incur redundancy costs.

Require an investment of $3.5m at a time when the business is making losses (since 2017) – this may require external finance which will, incur interest charges, raising unit costs.

The payback period is also more than 5 years which is relatively long.

Will their customer base trust the new production technique which uses glue rather than welding?

Candidates may assume that using glue rather than welding means lower quality. Accept that assumption.

Accept any other relevant evaluation.

Marks should be allocated according to the paper 2 markbands for May 2016 forward.

The table below should be followed (along with the markbands on page 3). These mark awards in the table below should be viewed as maximums. That is, just because a candidate has one argument for Option 1 and one argument against does not mean that they will automatically get a 4. One strong argument for one side and merely a weak or nominal argument for the other side might result in a 3.


Examiners report

Most candidates choosing question 4 earned at least one mark and often two marks for defining niche market.


Many candidates could explain two benefits of adopting e-commerce and many applied their response to the stimulus.


Most candidates choosing question 4 answered (c)(i) correctly.


Many candidates could not explain a disadvantage of using the payback period method of investment appraisal.


Many candidates knew the expectations of the ten-mark question and did a solid job. Candidates often made detailed use of the stimulus.


Syllabus sections

First exams 2024 » Unit 5: Operations management » 5.2 Operations methods » 5.2.1 The following operations methods: Job production, Batch production, Mass/flow production, Mass customization
First exams 2024 » Unit 5: Operations management » 5.4 Location » 5.4.2 The following ways of reorganizing production, both nationally and internationally: Outsourcing/subcontracting, Offshoring, Insourcing, Reshoring
Last exams 2023 » Unit 1: Business organization and environment » 1.3 Organizational objectives » The need for organizations to change objectives and innovate in response to changes in internal and external environments
First exams 2024 » Unit 5: Operations management » 5.2 Operations methods
Last exams 2023 » Unit 1: Business organization and environment » 1.3 Organizational objectives
First exams 2024 » Unit 5: Operations management » 5.4 Location
Last exams 2023 » Unit 1: Business organization and environment
First exams 2024 » Unit 5: Operations management
Last exams 2023
First exams 2024

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