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Date May 2018 Marks available 2 Reference code 18M.2.SL.TZ0.4
Level Standard level Paper Paper 2 Time zone Time zone 0
Command term Describe Question number 4 Adapted from N/A


Healthy Start (HS)

Tom Donat started Healthy Start (HS), a national chain of stores preparing and selling healthy snacks, which are produced in batches. HS’s target market is teenagers and young adults. Tom was concerned about high levels of fast food consumption and youth unemployment. His vision statement for HS is: “To encourage life-long healthy eating habits and to train school leavers (drop outs) in acquiring work skills”.

HS hires many school leavers without qualifications. Because of the valuable social service that HS provides, an independent online media provider will feature HS in a new online reality TV show.

All employees, including managers, start at the lowest level of the organizational hierarchy and train on the job. Job enlargement, job enrichment and intrapreneurship opportunities are available. 20 % of all profits earned are put back into HS to finance these opportunities. Staff turnover is lower than the industry average.

Competition from global fast food restaurants has intensified. Their economies of scale mean that HS struggles to increase its market share. Online reviews indicate that some customers perceive HS’s snacks as healthy but overpriced and with small-sized portions.

Tom is considering two options:

[Source: © International Baccalaureate Organization 2018]

Describe one role of a vision statement for HS


Explain how the following can benefit HS:

job enlargement


Explain how the following can benefit HS:



Explain two possible economies of scale available to global fast food restaurants but not HS.


Discuss the two options that Tom is considering for HS in response to the intense competition.



A vision statement for HS is likely to help the organization set its short-term and long-term objectives. It is likely to act as an important driver for recruitment, selection and motivation of its young unskilled workforce made up of school leavers.

Award [1] for describing one role of a vision statement. Award an additional [1] when candidates apply their response to the stimulus.

N.B. Do not reward responses suggesting that one of the roles of a vision statement is to promote the business.


Job enlargement will increase the range of skills and tasks able to be performed by the school leavers who may lack direct experience of working in a national chain and/or batch production. As recruits will hopefully become future managers, it will be important for effective future leadership in the stores to have experience in all jobs offered by HS.

Award [1] for identification of an appropriate benefit and an additional [1] for an explanation of the benefit and application to the stimulus. Application may not be merely nominal. Be sure that the candidate is explaining the benefit to HS.


PLEASE NOTE: Intrapreneurship is not included in the syllabus for 2024 exams onward. Related parts of this multi-part question may be used.

Intrapreneurship allows for risk taking, creativity and innovation within HS. Given the intense competition from the global fast food restaurants, the opportunity to develop new healthy snacks will be vital to maintain market share.

Award [1] for identification of an appropriate benefit and an additional [1] for an explanation of the benefit and application to the stimulus. Candidates do not have to define what a vision statement is. Rather, they should describe a role. For [2], candidates must also link that role to goals or aims.
Application may not be merely nominal. Be sure that the candidate is explaining the benefit to HS.


Possible economies of scale available to the global fast food restaurants include:

Marketing economies of scale: the global fast food companies are likely through their global reach to experience significant economies of scale in marketing/selling across a whole range of markets. HS is a national chain and will not be able to spread advertising costs, for example, across a whole range of markets. Unit costs of marketing will be much lower for the global restaurants.

Bulk-buying economies of scale: to develop and meet global demand and to fill supply chains, global fast food manufacturers are likely to achieve significant economies through the bulk-purchase of raw ingredients (a number of fast food manufacturers have vertically integrated with suppliers to ensure that logistics are in place). Again, unit costs of operations are likely to be lower than HS’s.

Financial economies of scale: being present in global markets allows global fast food manufacturers to borrow funds for expansion at much lower rates than a national chain. It is indicated in the stimulus that HS finances its training and professional development through retained profits.

Accept any other relevant economy of scale.

N.B. Economies of scale may be without the exact name. For example, “bulk buying discounts” is rewardable.  Candidates do not have to say purchasing economies of scale.

Mark as a 2 + 2.

Award [1] for identification of an appropriate economy of scale and an additional [1] for an explanation and application to the stimulus. Application may not be merely nominal.

Maximum award per economy of scale: [2]


The first option, which is to implement flow production, is likely to lead to an increase in production and productivity because of the new technology and specialized roles. Currently, HS uses batch production. With improved productivity, HS can increase its portion size without raising prices. As a result, HS may be able to compete more effectively with the global fast food manufacturers.

However, the introduction of flow production may result in a reduction in the opportunities for job enrichment and intrapreneurship. If the new production process is going to lead to specific jobs on the production, then apart from job enlargement or rotation, the current employees may become demotivated through a restriction on personal growth and development opportunities. Staff turnover may increase as employees seek more innovative or challenging work. It is likely to be expensive to implement flow production both in terms of the financing and inevitable changes in organizational culture at HS.

The second option may be quicker to organize and much cheaper. The online reality TV show will have established HS firmly in the minds of existing and potential customers. A social media campaign will amplify the brand value of HS and should increase market share.

However, measuring the success of social media on market share will be difficult even though the target market should be familiar with this method of promotion. The biggest factor against this campaign, however, is that as a competitive tool against the global manufacturers there will still be this perceived difference in portion size. A social media campaign will not address this aspect. In fact, there is a danger that negative response to the campaign make reduce market share even further.

Both of the responses have some merit, but it would appear that the first option is the most appropriate to tackle the issue of competition with the global fast food manufacturers. The changes in the production process will take some time to bed in and a few staff may leave to work for other snack food manufacturers who have more dynamic or challenging roles. However, the social media campaign will not close the perceived gap between the products offered by HS and those offered by their competitors and, thus, could backfire.

While the candidates are not expected to recommend an option (the question does not ask them to), they should come to conclusions and judgments (for top marks). Candidates may conclude that either option is better or they may conclude that HS should do both, given that Option 2 would not be very expensive.

Marks should be allocated according to the Paper 2 markbands for May 2016 forward.


Examiners report


Syllabus sections

Last exams 2023 » Unit 1: Business organization and environment » 1.3 Organizational objectives » Vision statement and mission statement
First exams 2024 » Unit 1: Introduction to business management » 1.3 Business objectives » 1.3.1 Vision statement and mission statement
Last exams 2023 » Unit 1: Business organization and environment » 1.3 Organizational objectives
First exams 2024 » Unit 1: Introduction to business management » 1.3 Business objectives
Last exams 2023 » Unit 1: Business organization and environment
First exams 2024 » Unit 1: Introduction to business management
Last exams 2023
First exams 2024

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