Date | November 2019 | Marks available | 2 | Reference code | 19N.3.SL.TZ0.9 |
Level | Standard level | Paper | Paper 3 | Time zone | 0 - no time zone |
Command term | Describe | Question number | 9 | Adapted from | N/A |
Communication signals are transmitted over long distances through optic fibres.
A signal is transmitted along an optic fibre with attenuation per unit length of 0.40 dB km–1. The signal must be amplified when the power of the signal has fallen to 0.02 % of the input power.
Describe why a higher data transfer rate is possible in optic fibres than in twisted pair cables.
State one cause of attenuation in the optic fibre.
Determine the distance at which the signal must be amplified.
fibres have broader bandwidth than cables ✔
therefore can carry multiple signals simultaneously ✔
absorption/scattering of light
impurities in the «glass core of the» fibre ✔
attenuation = «dB» ✔
amplification required after or 93 «km» ✔
NOTE: Allow ECF from mp1 for wrong dB value.(eg: 42 km if % symbol ignored).