DP Biology Questionbank

2.7 DNA replication, transcription and translation
Nature of science: Obtaining evidence for scientific theories—Meselson and Stahl obtained evidence for the semi-conservative replication of DNA. (1.8) |
Utilization: Syllabus and cross-curricular links: Biology Topic 3.5 Genetic modification and biotechnology Topic 7.2 Transcription and gene expression Topic 7.3 Translation Aims:
Directly related questions
- 17M.2.SL.TZ1.5a: Outline how translation depends on complementary base pairing.
- 21M.1.SL.TZ2.9: Which feature is common to both mRNA and DNA? A. Covalent bonds between adjacent nucleotides B....
- 18N.1.SL.TZ0.9: The table shows some codons for five amino acids. Which of these DNA strands will code for the...
- 18M.1.HL.TZ1.9: What do DNA replication, transcription and translation have in common? A. Take place in cell...
- 19M.1.SL.TZ1.10: The gene that codes for a particular polypeptide includes the base sequence...
- 19M.2.HL.TZ1.7a: Outline the roles of helicase and ligase in DNA replication.
The diagram shows mRNA codons.
[Source: elementix / Alamy Stock Photo]
The mRNA sequence UGGAACGUA codes for what amino acid sequence?
A. Glycine-Glutamine-Methionine
B. Methionine-Glutamine-Glycine
C. Threonine-Valine-Histidine
D. Tryptophan-Asparagine-Valine
- 17M.2.SL.TZ2.5b: Outline the role of ribosomes in translation.
Outline the role of DNA polymerase III in DNA replication.
Outline the role of three enzymes used in the replication of DNA.
- 21N.1.SL.TZ0.11: The data shows part of the genetic code for mRNA. Which anticodon could be found on a tRNA...
- 18M.2.SL.TZ2.2c.ii: Outline the role of the enzyme DNA polymerase in replication.
- 19M.1.SL.TZ2.9: The base sequences of a short section of DNA are shown, together with mRNA that has been...
- 17M.1.SL.TZ1.21: Cladograms can be created by comparing DNA or protein sequences. The cladogram on the left is...
- 17M.1.SL.TZ1.12: The table shows the genetic code. Which mRNA could code for the sequence...
- 17M.1.SL.TZ2.9: Which are necessary to make DNA replication semi-conservative? I. Separation of the strands by...
Describe the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), including the role of Taq DNA polymerase.
The diagram represents transcription and translation.
[Source: © International Baccalaureate Organization 2020.]
What structures do the letters X and Y represent?
Nitrogen is part of many important substances in living organisms.
Distinguish between transcription and translation.
- 22M.1.HL.TZ2.11: Bacteria can be genetically modified to produce human insulin. The diagram shows how the human...
What are linked by hydrogen bonds?
A. Hydrogen and oxygen within a water molecule
B. Phosphate and sugar within a DNA molecule
C. Base and sugar between DNA nucleotides
D. Hydrogen and oxygen in different water molecules
- 19N.2.SL.TZ0.2c: Suggest a hypothesis that accounts for the slightly different meaning of some codons in a very...
- 17M.1.SL.TZ2.27: The bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae causes infections related to the human reproductive system....
- 17M.2.HL.TZ2.1f.i: State the name of the molecule which is produced by transcription.
Describe the function of three named enzymes involved in DNA replication.
Outline how a protein is made in a cell by the process of translation.
- 22M.1.SL.TZ1.7: Which reaction occurs when a dipeptide is formed from amino acids? A. Hydrolysis B....
- 18M.1.SL.TZ1.12: What do DNA replication, transcription and translation have in common? A. Take place in cell...
- 17M.1.SL.TZ1.11: A short sequence of nucleotides reads GGACAGAGCGCAGACGA. In which type of molecule could this...
A strand of mRNA consists of the following nucleotides:
Which of the following represents the non-transcribed (sense) strand of the DNA?
What is the reason for Taq DNA polymerase being used in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)?
A. It does not denature at high temperatures.
B. It produces Okazaki fragments more rapidly.
C. It allows translation to proceed rapidly.
D. It works efficiently with helicase in PCR.
- 17N.1.SL.TZ0.11: Which sequence of bases and amino acids could be produced by transcription and translationof the...
- 21M.1.SL.TZ2.10: Bacteria cultured in a medium containing only 15N were transferred to a medium containing only...
- 19M.2.SL.TZ1.7a: Outline the stages in the production of mRNA by transcription.
- 19N.2.SL.TZ0.2a: Outline the function of codons.
- 16N.1.SL.TZ0.11: What enables bacteria to produce human growth hormone? A. DNA replication is...
Producers extract phosphates and nitrates from soil. Outline how these ions are used in the synthesis of organic molecules.
Insulin is produced in β cells of the pancreas and not in other cells of the human body. Explain how differentiation of cells and regulation of gene expression allow proteins such as insulin to be produced in only certain types of body cell.
- 22M.1.SL.TZ1.10: What is the minimum number of nucleotides needed to code for a polypeptide composed of 210 amino...
- 18M.1.SL.TZ2.12: Some yeast genes can be replaced by human genes that then continue to produce the same human...
- 19N.2.SL.TZ0.2d.ii: State the type of reaction that removes water while linking amino acids together to form...
- 19N.2.SL.TZ0.2b.ii: Determine the DNA base sequence transcribed to form this sequence of mRNA.
- 17M.1.SL.TZ1.8: Meselson and Stahl conducted experiments using the isotopes 14N and 15N which showed that DNA...
- 17M.2.SL.TZ1.1c: Estimate how much smaller drilled oysters raised in seawater at a high CO2 concentration were...
- 17M.2.HL.TZ1.1f.ii: Suggest a reason for the greater expression of the gene for the urea transporter after an...
- 18N.1.SL.TZ0.8: Where are amino acids joined together to make polypeptides? A. Nucleus B. Nucleolus C. ...
Outline the role of the enzyme helicase in replication.
- 19N.2.SL.TZ0.2b.i: Determine the sequence of amino acids that could be translated from the sequence of mRNA.
Outline the function of Rubisco and of spider silk in relation to their three-dimensional conformation.
- 21N.1.SL.TZ0.10: What is the correct arrangement for the components of one strand in a DNA molecule?
Meselson and Stahl investigated DNA replication by first feeding bacteria with bases containing 15N (heavy), and then with bases containing 14N (light). The results are shown in the photographs.
[Source: © International Baccalaureate Organization 2018]
From this information, what would be the composition of the DNA in generation 3?
A. There will be a single 14N band.
B. There will be a single 15N band and a single 14N band.
C. There will be a darker 14N band and a lighter hybrid band.
D. There will be a single 15N band, a single hybrid band and a single 14N band.
DNA codes for the amino acid sequence of polypeptides. List two other functions of DNA.
- 19N.2.SL.TZ0.2d.i: Annotate the diagram to show a peptide bond between two amino acids.
- 19N.1.SL.TZ0.11: For what did Meselson and Stahl’s work provide evidence? A. The abiotic origin of organic...