Date | May 2017 | Marks available | 4 | Reference code | 17M.2.HL.TZ2.6 |
Level | Higher level | Paper | Paper 2 | Time zone | Time zone 2 |
Command term | Draw | Question number | 6 | Adapted from | N/A |
Draw molecular diagrams to show the condensation reaction between two amino acids to form a dipeptide.
Outline the roles of the different binding sites for tRNA on ribosomes during translation.
Explain the production of antibodies.
a. each amino acid with a COO–/COOH group at one end AND a NH2/NH3+ at the other
Both needed.
mp a requires the double bond to be shown between the C and O.
b. CH in middle with H or R group attached
c. peptide bond correctly drawn between N and C=0
d. COO–/COOH group at one end of dipeptide AND NH2/NH3+ at other end
Both needed.
e. loss of water
a. A, P and E binding sites are on the large subunit of the ribosome
b. initiation of translation starts with binding of met-tRNA to the start codon
c. large sub-unit binds with «start» tRNA in the P site
d. A binding site holds the tRNA with the next amino acid to be added
e. peptide bond is formed between the amino acids of the A site and the polypeptide at the P site
f. polypeptide is transferred to the tRNA in the A site
g. the tRNA «with polypeptide» in A site then moves to P site
P binding site holds the tRNA attached to the growing polypeptide
h. E binding site «exit» is where the tRNA «from P site without amino acid» leaves the ribosome
Accept annotated diagrams of the sites.
a. each antibody corresponds to a specific antigen
b. antibodies are necessary for immunity/resistance to «infectious» disease
c. macrophage/phagocyte ingests/engulfs pathogen
d. macrophage/phagocyte digests pathogen
e. macrophage/phagocyte displays antigen from pathogen
f. antigens of a pathogen correspond to a specific T lymphocytes/cells
T lymphocytes/cells are activated by antigen binding
g. T lymphocytes/cells activate B lymphocytes/cells
h. «B cells» divide by mitosis to form many/clones of plasma cells
i. plasma cells secrete specific antibody
j. some «activated» B lymphocytes/cells act as memory cells
Accept annotated diagrams of the process