DP History Questionbank

6: The Reformation (1517–1572)
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- The state of the Catholic church in Europe at the start of the 16th century, and reasons for criticism
- The religious ideas and impact of Luther and Calvin
- Reasons for the successful spread of Lutheran ideas in Germany to 1547, including the attitudes of the German princes
- Religion and conflict in Germany: the Peasants’ War; the Schmalkaldic League and the Peace of Ausburg (1555)
- The role, spread and impact of Protestant ideas in any one of England, Scotland, France or the Netherlands: religious factors; aims and role of rulers; economic reasons; popular sentiments; religious conflicts
- The Catholic Reformation: spiritual movements; the Jesuits and other Catholic orders; clerical education and discipline; the Council of Trent (1545–1563)
Directly related questions
- 17M.3op4.HL.TZ0.11: Evaluate the role of the German princes in the spread of Lutheran ideas in Germany up to 1547.
To what extent was the Catholic Church reformed between 1517 and 1563?
- 20N.3op4.HL.TZ0.11: Discuss the significance of Luther’s three critical tracts of 1520 to the Reformation.
- 20N.3op4.HL.TZ0.12: Evaluate the role of the Peace of Augsburg in resolving religious conflict.
- 17N.3op4.HL.TZ0.11: Evaluate the reasons for criticism of the Catholic Church at the start of the 16th century.
- 17N.3op4.HL.TZ0.12: Evaluate the reasons for the spread of Protestant ideas in England or Scotland or France or the...
- 21M.3op4.HL.TZ0.11: Evaluate the contribution of the printing press in spreading Lutheran ideas in Germany.
- 21M.3op4.HL.TZ0.12: “The response of the Catholic Church to the Reformation was successful.” Discuss.
“The religious ideas of Luther did not have a long-lasting impact on Europe.” Discuss.
- 18M.3op4.HL.TZ0.12: Evaluate the reasons for the Peasants’ War in Germany.
- 21N.3op4.HL.TZ0.11: Examine the role played by Frederick the Wise in the spread of Lutheran ideas in Germany.
- 21N.3op4.HL.TZ0.12: Evaluate the effectiveness of the Roman Inquisition in support of the Counter Reformation.
Evaluate the state of the Catholic Church at the start of the 16th century.
- 18N.3op4.HL.TZ0.12: Evaluate the impact of the Jesuits on the Catholic Reformation between 1540 and 1572.
Discuss the impact of Erasmus’s ideas on the Catholic Church at the start of the 16th century.
- 22M.3op4.HL.TZ0.12: Examine the reasons for, and the impact of, the Knights’ Revolt in Germany.
Discuss the reasons for the Peace of Augsburg (1555).
- 19M.3op4.HL.TZ0.12: Evaluate the impact of Protestant ideas in one of the following: England; Scotland; France; The...
To what extent can the Council of Trent (1545–1563) be considered a success for the Catholic Reformation?
- 19N.3op4.HL.TZ0.11: Discuss the reasons for the successful spread of Lutheran ideas in Germany.
Sub sections and their related questions
The state of the Catholic church in Europe at the start of the 16th century, and reasons for criticism
- 17N.3op4.HL.TZ0.11: Evaluate the reasons for criticism of the Catholic Church at the start of the 16th century.
Evaluate the state of the Catholic Church at the start of the 16th century.
Discuss the impact of Erasmus’s ideas on the Catholic Church at the start of the 16th century.
The religious ideas and impact of Luther and Calvin
“The religious ideas of Luther did not have a long-lasting impact on Europe.” Discuss.
- 20N.3op4.HL.TZ0.11: Discuss the significance of Luther’s three critical tracts of 1520 to the Reformation.
Reasons for the successful spread of Lutheran ideas in Germany to 1547, including the attitudes of the German princes
- 17M.3op4.HL.TZ0.11: Evaluate the role of the German princes in the spread of Lutheran ideas in Germany up to 1547.
- 19N.3op4.HL.TZ0.11: Discuss the reasons for the successful spread of Lutheran ideas in Germany.
- 21M.3op4.HL.TZ0.11: Evaluate the contribution of the printing press in spreading Lutheran ideas in Germany.
- 21N.3op4.HL.TZ0.11: Examine the role played by Frederick the Wise in the spread of Lutheran ideas in Germany.
Religion and conflict in Germany: the Peasants’ War; the Schmalkaldic League and the Peace of Ausburg (1555)
- 18M.3op4.HL.TZ0.12: Evaluate the reasons for the Peasants’ War in Germany.
Discuss the reasons for the Peace of Augsburg (1555).
- 20N.3op4.HL.TZ0.12: Evaluate the role of the Peace of Augsburg in resolving religious conflict.
- 22M.3op4.HL.TZ0.12: Examine the reasons for, and the impact of, the Knights’ Revolt in Germany.
The role, spread and impact of Protestant ideas in any one of England, Scotland, France or the Netherlands: religious factors; aims and role of rulers; economic reasons; popular sentiments; religious conflicts
- 17N.3op4.HL.TZ0.12: Evaluate the reasons for the spread of Protestant ideas in England or Scotland or France or the...
- 19M.3op4.HL.TZ0.12: Evaluate the impact of Protestant ideas in one of the following: England; Scotland; France; The...
The Catholic Reformation: spiritual movements; the Jesuits and other Catholic orders; clerical education and discipline; the Council of Trent (1545–1563)
To what extent was the Catholic Church reformed between 1517 and 1563?
- 18N.3op4.HL.TZ0.12: Evaluate the impact of the Jesuits on the Catholic Reformation between 1540 and 1572.
To what extent can the Council of Trent (1545–1563) be considered a success for the Catholic Reformation?
- 21M.3op4.HL.TZ0.12: “The response of the Catholic Church to the Reformation was successful.” Discuss.
- 21N.3op4.HL.TZ0.12: Evaluate the effectiveness of the Roman Inquisition in support of the Counter Reformation.