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Date November 2019 Marks available 15 Reference code 19N.3op1.HL.TZ0.9
Level Higher level only Paper Paper 3 (History of Africa and the Middle East) Time zone TZ0
Command term To what extent Question number 9 Adapted from N/A


Section 5: Trade and the rise and decline of African states and empires (800–1600)

To what extent did changes in trade patterns lead to the decline of the Mali Empire?


The question requires that candidates consider the extent to which changes in trade patterns led to the decline of the Mali Empire. Candidates may refer to the ways in which control over the gold and salt trade routes were crucial to the rise of the empire, and how the emergence of rival empires—such as the Songhay, which sought to wrest away this control—together with the discovery of new goldfields outside of the Mali Empire, were integral to its demise. While other relevant factors, for example dynastic rivalries and weak leadership following the death of Mansa Musa, may be referred to, the bulk of the response will remain on the issue raised in the question.

Examiners report


Syllabus sections

HL options: first exams 2017 » HL option 1: History of Africa and the Middle East » 5: Trade and the rise and decline of African states and empires (800–1600) » Mali Empire (c1230–1600): causes of the rise and decline of the Mali Empire; social, economic and administrative reforms; military organization; importance of Islam; trade
HL options: first exams 2017 » HL option 1: History of Africa and the Middle East » 5: Trade and the rise and decline of African states and empires (800–1600)
HL options: first exams 2017 » HL option 1: History of Africa and the Middle East
HL options: first exams 2017

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