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Date May 2019 Marks available 15 Reference code 19M.3op1.HL.TZ0.9
Level Higher level only Paper Paper 3 (History of Africa and the Middle East) Time zone TZ0
Command term Evaluate Question number 9 Adapted from N/A


Section 5: Trade and the rise and decline of African states and empires (800–1600)

Evaluate the impact of trans-Saharan trade on the decline of African empires.


The question requires candidates to make an appraisal of the impact of trans-Saharan trade on the decline of African empires. Candidates are required to consider trans- Saharan trade in their responses. While considering the role of the trade, candidates may examine how trade contributed to tension and rivalry between communities and how this eventually led to the weakening and eventual decline of some of the African states. It is important for candidates to give examples of states they are referring to in their response. With the decline of trade, some of the states that had relied on trade for their wealth and existence also declined. Candidates may also consider the rivalry that developed, which aimed to control trade and how this led to the emergence of new states and subsequently the collapse of some of the old states.

Examiners report

The question required that candidates make an appraisal of the impact of trans-Saharan trade on the decline of African empires. Responses to this question tended to lack adequate breadth and depth of knowledge.

Syllabus sections

HL options: first exams 2017 » HL option 1: History of Africa and the Middle East » 5: Trade and the rise and decline of African states and empires (800–1600) » Types of trade: trans-Saharan trade in gold and salt—importance of different routes and control over these; impact of trade on the rise and decline of empires; Indian Ocean trade in slaves, ivory, spices and textiles
HL options: first exams 2017 » HL option 1: History of Africa and the Middle East » 5: Trade and the rise and decline of African states and empires (800–1600)
HL options: first exams 2017 » HL option 1: History of Africa and the Middle East
HL options: first exams 2017

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