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Date November 2017 Marks available 15 Reference code 17N.2.BP.TZ0.13
Level Both SL and HL Paper Paper 2 - first exams 2017 Time zone TZ0
Command term To what extent Question number 13 Adapted from N/A


To what extent did industrialization in two countries rely upon developments in transportation?


Candidates will consider the merits of the concept that industrialization relied upon developments in transportation. While the focus of the response must be within the timeframe of this topic, the periods under discussion need not be contemporaneous with each other and the two countries chosen may or may not be from the same region. Candidates may offer an analysis of the overall importance of transportation in relation to the pace of industrialization and weigh it against other factors. The chosen countries may be addressed separately or a thematic approach may be adopted to consider the merits, or otherwise, of the concept. Factors that may be considered could range from the construction of roads, railways and canals to facilitate the transportation of raw materials and finished products as well as the distribution of goods by air or by sea. Alternatively, other factors such as the supply of labour, availability of resources and technological developments, may be considered of greater or lesser importance.

Examiners report


Syllabus sections

World history topics: first exams 2017 » 7. Origins, development and impact of industrialization (1750–2005) » The impact and significance of key developments » Developments in transportation
World history topics: first exams 2017 » 7. Origins, development and impact of industrialization (1750–2005) » The impact and significance of key developments
World history topics: first exams 2017 » 7. Origins, development and impact of industrialization (1750–2005)
World history topics: first exams 2017

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