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Date November 2017 Marks available 4 Reference code 17N.1.BP.TZ0.06
Level Both SL and HL Paper Paper 1 - first exams 2017 Time zone TZ0
Command term Analyse Question number 06 Adapted from N/A


Source G

Extracts from The Alhambra Decree or Edict of Expulsion, written in March and issued in April 1492.

We have learned from the inquisitors as well as others of the great harm that comes to Christians who interact with the Jews, these Jews who employ many and all manners to subvert the holy Catholic faith and who keep Christian followers from embracing their beliefs.

It is thus clear, taken from the confessions of these Jews, that their corrupt ways have resulted in great harm and injury to the holy Catholic faith.

After much deliberation it has been decided in council, having reunited the eminent men, knights and other persons of sense and knowledge of our supreme realm, that all Jews and Jewesses must leave our kingdom, never to be allowed to return.

It is also hereby ordered in this edict that before the end of July of this year comes, Jews and Jewesses of all ages residing within our domains and territories must depart from such taking with them their sons and daughters, their servants and their close and distant relatives of every age. It is they who must not dare to return to our lands, nor cross our borders, and if any among these Jews were not to accept this edict and were found to be living within our domains or if these Jews were to return to our lands, they should be condemned to death and their wealth seized.

We hereby command that, under penalty of forfeiting all of their lands and fortresses as well as their hereditary privileges and wealth, no person of our kingdom, no matter their position or noble status, may hide, keep or defend any Jew or Jewess after the month of July has passed nor in the following months whether publicly or secretly, in their homes or throughout our domains.

With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of Source G for an historian studying the expulsions of the late 15th century.


• The extract is from an official document contemporary to the events being studied.
• It offers the historian an insight into how the Catholic monarchs justified the expulsion.
• It shows the historian the process by which the Jews were to be expelled. It stipulates when and how the expulsions were to be carried out.
• It shows that all Jews, irrespective of wealth, age or social position, were subject to the same treatment.

• In contrast to the first and second bullet points of “Value”, some candidates may argue that it only provides the official explanation of why the expulsions were ordered and/or it does not offer information on the extent of their implementation.
• It may exaggerate the consequences of defying the orders so as to promote obedience.

The focus of the question is on the value and limitations of the source. If only value or limitations are discussed, award a maximum of [2]. Origins, purpose and content should be used as supporting evidence to make relevant comments on the values and limitations. For [4] there must be at least one reference to each of them in either the values or the limitations.

Examiners report


Syllabus sections

Prescribed subjects: first exams 2017 » 2. Conquest and its impact » Case study 1: The final stages of Muslim rule in Spain » Impact » Forced conversions and expulsions; Marranos, Mudéjars
Prescribed subjects: first exams 2017 » 2. Conquest and its impact » Case study 1: The final stages of Muslim rule in Spain » Impact
Prescribed subjects: first exams 2017 » 2. Conquest and its impact » Case study 1: The final stages of Muslim rule in Spain
Prescribed subjects: first exams 2017 » 2. Conquest and its impact
Prescribed subjects: first exams 2017

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