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Date November 2017 Marks available 3 Reference code 17N.1.BP.TZ0.05
Level Both SL and HL Paper Paper 1 - first exams 2017 Time zone TZ0
Command term What Question number 05 Adapted from N/A


Source F

Henry Kamen, an historian and Fellow of the British Royal Historical Society, writing in the academic book Spain, 1469–1714: A Society of Conflict (2005).

The expulsion of the Jews from Spain was carried out for religious motives that had long been in the making; the forcible conversion of the Mudéjars was by contrast an abrupt move. It is very likely that the Catholic monarchs expected a further programme of evangelization [preaching] to produce a nation truly united in religion. This, however, did not happen. Instead, the abandonment of a pluralist [diverse] society led to the creation within Christian Spain of two great disadvantaged minorities, conversos and Moriscos, which suffered all the disabilities of prejudice but enjoyed few of the benefits of conversion. From the early 15th century various official bodies began to discriminate against the New Christians, setting in motion the social pressure for “purity of blood”. The university college of San Bartolomé in Salamanca was the first to introduce, in 1482, rules forbidding any but those “of pure blood” from becoming members. The principal impulse [trigger] to the spread of this practice was the founding of the Inquisition, which made Spaniards familiar with the image of conversos as a danger to religious integrity and national security … The Inquisition adopted as its rule (1484) that descendants of those it condemned were not entitled to hold any public office, thereby giving support to the notion that guilt for heresy remained in the blood generation after generation.

[Source: From: Spain, 1469–1714: A Society of Conflict, Henry Kamen, 2005,
Routledge, reproduced by permission of Taylor & Francis Books UK]

Source H

Joaquín Turina y Areal, a Spanish artist, depicts an historical scene in the painting “La expulsión de los judíos de Sevilla” [The Expulsion of the Jews from Seville] (late 19th century).

[Source: File:Expulsi%C3%B3n_de_los_jud%C3%ADos_de_Sevilla.jpg]

What, according to Source F, were the effects of the abandonment of the pluralist [diverse] society in Spain?


What does Source H suggest about changes in the life of the Jewish population of Spain under the Catholic monarchs?



Conversos and Moriscos become disadvantaged minorities.

• The cult of the “purity of blood” began.

• Official bodies and/or the university college of San Bartolomé began to discriminate against the New Christians.

Conversos were portrayed as dangerous to religious integrity and national security.

The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses. It is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Award [1] for each relevant point up to a maximum of [3].


• Entire families were displaced.

• Jews became impoverished.

• Jews were leaving Spain in distress.

The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses. It is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Award [1] for each relevant point up to a maximum of [2].


Examiners report


Syllabus sections

Prescribed subjects: first exams 2017 » 2. Conquest and its impact » Case study 1: The final stages of Muslim rule in Spain » Impact » Forced conversions and expulsions; Marranos, Mudéjars
Prescribed subjects: first exams 2017 » 2. Conquest and its impact » Case study 1: The final stages of Muslim rule in Spain » Impact
Prescribed subjects: first exams 2017 » 2. Conquest and its impact » Case study 1: The final stages of Muslim rule in Spain
Prescribed subjects: first exams 2017 » 2. Conquest and its impact
Prescribed subjects: first exams 2017

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