DP Geography Questionbank

E.2. Tourism and sport at the local and national scale
[N/A]Directly related questions
Outline one factor that can influence the location of a sports stadium.
Examine the advantages and disadvantages of the site used for one or more festivals.
Examine the geographic relationship between the hierarchy of teams and the distribution of supporters for one named national sports league.
State the range of number of visitors, in millions, for the 15 major tourist hotspots.
- 21N.1.bp.9a.ii: State the median number of visitors, in millions, for the 15 major tourist hotspots.
Suggest how large numbers of visitors in an area such as this could have one positive economic impact for local communities.
Suggest how large numbers of visitors in an area such as this could have one negative economic impact for local communities.
Using the photograph, identify two characteristics of this area that may reduce accessibility for visiting football supporters.
Outline one reason why some city stadiums have a large sphere of influence.
Referring to the photograph, describe the distribution of two touristic activities.
Examine the physical and human reasons why some rural areas have become important for leisure activities.
Examine reasons why the growth of tourism hotspots can become unsustainable.
Sub sections and their related questions
E.2.1. Human and physical factors explaining the growth of rural and urban tourism hotspots
Referring to the photograph, describe the distribution of two touristic activities.
Examine the physical and human reasons why some rural areas have become important for leisure activities.
Examine reasons why the growth of tourism hotspots can become unsustainable.
State the range of number of visitors, in millions, for the 15 major tourist hotspots.
- 21N.1.bp.9a.ii: State the median number of visitors, in millions, for the 15 major tourist hotspots.
E.2.2. Variations in sphere of influence for different kinds of sporting and touristic facility
Using the photograph, identify two characteristics of this area that may reduce accessibility for visiting football supporters.
Outline one reason why some city stadiums have a large sphere of influence.
E.2.3. Factors affecting the geography of a national sports league
Outline one factor that can influence the location of a sports stadium.
Examine the geographic relationship between the hierarchy of teams and the distribution of supporters for one named national sports league.
E.2.4. Large-scale sporting, musical, cultural or religious festivals as temporary sites of leisure and their associated costs and benefits
Examine the advantages and disadvantages of the site used for one or more festivals.
Suggest how large numbers of visitors in an area such as this could have one positive economic impact for local communities.
Suggest how large numbers of visitors in an area such as this could have one negative economic impact for local communities.