DP Geography Questionbank

A.4. Water management futures
[N/A]Directly related questions
Examine the role of local communities in the management of water resources.
Examine why some communities and environments may benefit more than others from the building of large dams.
State the number of countries where more than 60 % of rural households rely on water from outside the home.
Explain two ways in which water can be managed to provide a more sustainable future for local communities in countries such as these.
- 22M.1.bp.1a.ii: Identify the country where men and women have equal responsibility for collecting water from...
Examine how conflicts between different stakeholders in the management of wetlands might be resolved.
Examine the costs and benefits, for different stakeholders, of one recent integrated drainage basin management (IDBM) plan.
Evaluate the strategies used to manage the growing pressures on one named major wetland.
Sub sections and their related questions
A.4.1. The importance of strengthening participation of local communities to improve water management in different economic development contexts
Examine the role of local communities in the management of water resources.
State the number of countries where more than 60 % of rural households rely on water from outside the home.
- 22M.1.bp.1a.ii: Identify the country where men and women have equal responsibility for collecting water from...
Explain two ways in which water can be managed to provide a more sustainable future for local communities in countries such as these.
A.4.2. Increased dam building for multipurpose water schemes, and their costs and benefits
Examine why some communities and environments may benefit more than others from the building of large dams.