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Date November 2013 Marks available 14 Reference code 13N.3sp.hl.TZ0.5
Level HL only Paper Paper 3 Statistics and probability Time zone TZ0
Command term Find, Hence, Show that, and State Question number 5 Adapted from N/A


Two species of plant, \(A\) and \(B\), are identical in appearance though it is known that the mean length of leaves from a plant of species \(A\) is \(5.2\) cm, whereas the mean length of leaves from a plant of species \(B\) is \(4.6\) cm. Both lengths can be modelled by normal distributions with standard deviation \(1.2\) cm.

In order to test whether a particular plant is from species \(A\) or species \(B\), \(16\) leaves are collected at random from the plant. The length, \(x\), of each leaf is measured and the mean length evaluated. A one-tailed test of the sample mean, \(\bar X\), is then performed at the \(5\% \) level, with the hypotheses: \({H_0}:\mu  = 5.2\) and \({H_1}:\mu  < 5.2\).

Let \(X\) and \(Y\) be independent random variables with \(X \sim {P_o}{\text{ (3)}}\) and \(Y \sim {P_o}{\text{ (2)}}\).

Let \(S = 2X + 3Y\).

(a)     Find the mean and variance of \(S\).

(b)     Hence state with a reason whether or not \(S\) follows a Poisson distribution.

Let \(T = X + Y\).

(c)     Find \({\text{P}}(T = 3)\).

(d)     Show that \({\text{P}}(T = t) = \sum\limits_{r = 0}^t {{\text{P}}(X = r){\text{P}}(Y = t - r)} \).

(e)     Hence show that \(T\) follows a Poisson distribution with mean 5.


Find the probability of a Type II error if the leaves are in fact from a plant of species B.



(a)     \({\text{E}}(S) = 2{\text{E}}(X) + 3{\text{E}}(Y) = 6 + 6 = 12\)     A1

\({\text{Var}}(S) = 4{\text{Var}}(X) + 9{\text{Var}}(Y) = 12 + 18 = 30\)     A1

[2 marks]

(b)     \(S\) does not have a Poisson distribution     A1

because \({\text{Var}}(S) \ne {\text{E}}(S)\)     R1


Note:     Follow through their \({\text{E}}(S)\) and \({\text{Var}}(S)\) if different.


[2 marks]

(c)     EITHER

\({\text{P}}(T = 3) = {\text{P}}\left( {(X,{\text{ }}Y) = (3,{\text{ }}0)} \right) + {\text{P}}\left( {(X,{\text{ }}Y) = (2,{\text{ }}1)} \right) + \)

\( + {\text{P}}\left( {(X,{\text{ }}Y) = (1,{\text{ }}2)} \right) + {\text{P}}\left( {(X,{\text{ }}Y) = (0,{\text{ }}3)} \right)\)     (M1)

\( = {\text{P}}(X = 3){\text{P}}(Y = 0) + {\text{P}}(X = 2){\text{P}}(Y = 1) + \)

\( + {\text{P}}(X = 1){\text{P}}(Y = 2) + {\text{P}}(X = 0){\text{P}}(Y = 3)\)     (M1)

\( = \frac{{125{e^{ - 5}}}}{6}{\text{ }}( = 0.140)\)     A2


Note:     Accept answers which round to 0.14.



\(T\) is \({{\text{P}}_o}(2 + 3) = {{\text{P}}_o}(5)\)     (M1)(A1)

\({\text{P}}(T = 3) = \frac{{125{e^{ - 5}}}}{6}{\text{ }}( = 0.140)\)     A2


Note:     Accept answers which round to 0.14.


[4 marks]

(d)     \({\text{P}}(T = t) = {\text{P}}\left( {(X,{\text{ }}Y) = (0,{\text{ }}t)} \right) + {\text{P}}\left( {(X,{\text{ }}Y) = (1,{\text{ }}t - 1)} \right) +  \ldots {\text{P}}\left( {(X,{\text{ }}Y) = (t,{\text{ }}0)} \right)\)     (M1)

\( = {\text{P}}(X = 0){\text{P}}(Y = t) + {\text{P}}(X = 1){\text{P}}(Y = t - 1) +  \ldots  + {\text{P}}(X = t){\text{P}}(Y = 0)\)     A1

\( = \sum\limits_{r = 0}^t {{\text{P}}(X = r){\text{P}}(Y = t - r)} \)     AG

[2 marks]

(e)     \({\text{P}}(T = t) = \sum\limits_{r = 0}^t {{\text{P}}(X = r){\text{P}}(Y = t - r)} \)

\( = \sum\limits_{r = 0}^t {\frac{{{e^{ - 3}}{3^r}}}{{r!}} \times \frac{{{e^{ - 2}}{2^{t - r}}}}{{(t - r)!}}} \)     M1A1

\( = \frac{{{e^{ - 5}}}}{{t!}}\sum\limits_{r = 0}^t {\frac{{t!}}{{r!(t - r)!}} \times {3^r}{2^{t - r}}} \)     M1

\( = \frac{{{e^{ - 5}}}}{{t!}}{(3 + 2)^t}\)     A1

\(\left( { = \frac{{{e^{ - 5}}{5^t}}}{{t!}}} \right)\)

hence \(T\) follows a Poisson distribution with mean 5     AG

[4 marks]


type II error probability \( = {\text{P}}(\bar X > 4.70654 \ldots |\bar X{\text{ is }}N\left( {4.6,{\text{ }}\frac{{{{1.2}^2}}}{{16}}} \right)\)     (M1)

\( = 0.361\)     A1


Examiners report

Parts (a) and (b) were well answered by most candidates. The most common error in (a) was to calculate \(E(2X + 3Y)\) correctly as 12 and then state that, because the sum is Poisson, the variance is also 12. Many of these candidates then stated in (b) that the sum is Poisson because the mean and variance are equal, without apparently realising the circularity of their argument. Although (c) was intended as a possible hint for solving (d) and (e), many candidates simply noted that \(X + Y\) is \({{\text{P}}_o}{\text{(5)}}\) which led immediately to the correct answer. Some candidates tended to merge (d) and (e), often unsuccessfully, while very few candidates completed (e) correctly where the need to insert \(t!\) in the numerator and denominator was not usually spotted.


Syllabus sections

Topic 7 - Option: Statistics and probability » 7.2 » Linear transformation of a single random variable.

View options