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Date May 2015 Marks available 2 Reference code
Level SL Paper 3 Time zone TZ2
Command term Suggest Question number 11 Adapted from N/A


There has been a shift in the use of crude oil (petroleum) away from its use as an energy source and towards its use as a chemical feedstock.

Suggest two reasons for this shift.


A lot of feedstock is used in the production of plastics. Discuss two advantages and one disadvantage of using plastic for packaging instead of cardboard.


Two advantages:






One disadvantage:



increasing cost of oil (relative to other energy sources);

limited supply (of petroleum);

other sources of energy available / alternative energy sources;

(use as a raw material) reduces/delays greenhouse gas/global warming/climate change problems;

concerns about greenhouse gases/climate change causing changes in behaviour / OWTTE;

Do not accept just greenhouse gases/climate change;

products from raw materials can be recycled / fuels cannot be recycled;

increasing demand as raw material from continued economic growth/demand for wider variety of products;

more profit to be made (by using as raw material);

reduced availability of other sources of hydrocarbons;

Accept political factors, such as “conflicts disrupting production”.



Any two for [2 max] of:

waterproof so strong when wet;

can be transparent so contents can be seen;

better insulates the item it is packing if expanded plastic/bubble wrap used;

can be vacuum sealed to exclude air/keep food fresh;

better protection against knocks as it can be moulded to fit the item;


Any one of:

uses valuable petroleum resources which are non-renewable;

(may) not be burned safely because toxic gases are produced;

(may) not be bio-degradable/recyclable so will linger in landfill;

Accept other valid answers for both advantages and disadvantages.

Each answer must be qualified.


Examiners report

Many candidates did achieve at least one mark, usually referring to the increasing demand of crude oil as a raw material linked to demand for wider variety of products. Any other reasons were often inadequately communicated. There were many responses referring to the ‘production of greenhouse gases’ with no further qualification with respect to the shift in behaviour. The second part of this question produced answers which often failed to precisely address the advantages and disadvantages of the use of plastics versus cardboard specifically for packaging.


Many candidates did achieve at least one mark, usually referring to the increasing demand of crude oil as a raw material linked to demand for wider variety of products. Any other reasons were often inadequately communicated. There were many responses referring to the ‘production of greenhouse gases’ with no further qualification with respect to the shift in behaviour. The second part of this question produced answers which often failed to precisely address the advantages and disadvantages of the use of plastics versus cardboard specifically for packaging.


Syllabus sections

Options » C: Energy » C.2 Fossil fuels
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