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Date November 2015 Marks available 2 Reference code 15N.3.HL.TZ0.13
Level Higher level Paper Paper 3 Time zone TZ0
Command term Suggest Question number 13 Adapted from N/A


Coronary heart disease (CHD) is common in some families, with men being more susceptible to the disease than women. Researchers in Finland carried out an investigation to determine whether the pattern within families was the same for women as for men. The graph shows how the risk of developing CHD in men and women of certain ages depends on whether they had a brother or sister with the disease.


State the risk of a man developing CHD between the ages of 55–59 if his brother had CHD.


Calculate the increase in risk over the control group for a woman of 60–64 of developing CHD if her sister had the disease.


Compare the results for the men and the women.


Suggest two reasons why a man is more likely to develop CHD if his brother had the disease.



35 %


15 %


a. both show an increase in the risk of CHD as age increases;

b. men/women with (either) siblings with CHD show an increased risk (relative to their control);

c. men have greater risk than women of developing CHD (at all ages);

d. both men and women/women only are more likely to develop CHD if their sister has the disease;

e. men with a brother with CHD have a greater risk than women with a brother with CHD;

Accept any other valid comparison using the graph.


a. hereditary/genetic predisposition;

b. similar (unhealthy) lifestyles/diets;


Examiners report

Most could read a value on the graph correctly, but many had difficulty calculating the increase in risk. Most gave clear, good comparisons, although some compared within groups of men and/or women, another case of not reading the question with sufficient care. Nearly all gave genetic conditions as a reason for developing CHD if a brother had it, but some tried to give inherited characteristics as a second reason instead of lifestyle related reason.


Most could read a value on the graph correctly, but many had difficulty calculating the increase in risk. Most gave clear, good comparisons, although some compared within groups of men and/or women, another case of not reading the question with sufficient care. Nearly all gave genetic conditions as a reason for developing CHD if a brother had it, but some tried to give inherited characteristics as a second reason instead of lifestyle related reason.


Most could read a value on the graph correctly, but many had difficulty calculating the increase in risk. Most gave clear, good comparisons, although some compared within groups of men and/or women, another case of not reading the question with sufficient care. Nearly all gave genetic conditions as a reason for developing CHD if a brother had it, but some tried to give inherited characteristics as a second reason instead of lifestyle related reason.


Most could read a value on the graph correctly, but many had difficulty calculating the increase in risk. Most gave clear, good comparisons, although some compared within groups of men and/or women, another case of not reading the question with sufficient care. Nearly all gave genetic conditions as a reason for developing CHD if a brother had it, but some tried to give inherited characteristics as a second reason instead of lifestyle related reason.


Syllabus sections

Option D: Human physiology » Option D: Human physiology (Core topics) » D.4 The heart
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