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Date May 2015 Marks available 2 Reference code 15M.2.HL.TZ2.3
Level Higher level Paper Paper 2 Time zone Time zone 2
Command term Outline Question number 3 Adapted from N/A


Outline the cell theory.


Annotate the electron micrograph of the Escherichia coli cell with the function of the indicated structure.

b (i).

Calculate the magnification of the electron micrograph.

b (ii).

Explain the role of the following enzymes in DNA replication.

c (i).

Explain the role of the following enzymes in DNA replication.
DNA ligase

c (iv).


a. living things are composed of cells;
b. cells are the basic/smallest unit of life;
c. cells come from pre-existing cells;
Do not accept cells are the “smallest organisms”.
Do not accept “cells are the building blocks” of life on its own.


attachment to surfaces / holds bacteria together / conjugation
Do not accept “exchange material” on its own.
If more than one function is given, mark the first answer only.

b (i).

× 15 000 (accept answers in the range of × 14 000 to × 16 000)

b (ii).

helicase: unwinds /unzips the DNA (into two strands) / breaks H bonds;

c (i).

DNA ligase: joins/seals the nick between the (Okazaki) fragments;

c (iv).

Examiners report

Most students earned these marks. A small number demonstrated knowledge of the properties of cells but seemed to be unfamiliar with the cell theory itself.


A number failed to state a correct function. The pilus plays a role in adhering to surfaces and in bacterial conjugation. A number annotated the picture with the name of the structure without stating a function.

b (i).

About half of candidates correctly answered this question. A number were making order of magnitude errors such as writing 150 000x and 1500x. Some were unfamiliar with the interpretation of the metric prefix.

b (ii).

Most were able to explain the function of helicase.

c (i).

Similar to primase, the mechanism of action of ligase was very rarely accurately described, most limiting it to bond formation between Okazaki fragments, not acknowledging that ligase has a role on the leading strand as well.

c (iv).

Syllabus sections

Core » Topic 1: Cell biology » 1.1 Introduction to cells
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