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Date May 2016 Marks available 6 Reference code 16M.2.bp.6
Level SL and HL Paper 2 Time zone
Command term Suggest Question number 6 Adapted from N/A


The map shows a polar view of the Southern Hemisphere and locates Antarctica, an area experiencing an extreme environment.

(i) Estimate the distance of Mawson Station from the South Pole.

(ii) Estimate the latitude of the Vinson Massif.

(iii) State two reasons why most of Antarctica is covered in ice.


Referring to at least one example, suggest three reasons why mineral extraction has led to the growth of settlements in extreme environments.


Using located examples, discuss the opportunities and risk associated with the use of irrigation in hot, arid environments.




1400 km (accept 1300 km to 1500 km)


80° / 80°S [1] (accept 78° to 82°)


high latitudes / high altitude / lack of insolation / high albedo

Accept any two for [1] each.


Award [1] for each valid reason and a further [1] for development of each reason, up to a maximum of [5], reserving the final [1] for an example.

For example:


Responses may include some description of the techniques of irrigation. There should be an understanding of what is meant by opportunity, ie in this case an ability to support human occupation by increasing food supply and security. Terms such as “water balance” might be included in better answers as well as why irrigation is necessary. Risks may include salinization, depletion of groundwater, pollution. Accept other reasonable suggestions.

Good candidates may recognize that there are a range of societies in hot, arid environments, some of whom have the capital and technology to unlock considerable opportunities. Credit should also be given to candidates who understand that though the risk is present it can be managed. Some may even discuss how the extraction of water for irrigation in one area may lead to problems elsewhere, ie risk and opportunity are not in the same place.

A good discussion might evaluate how risks vary between different irrigation techniques.

At band D, describes some opportunities and/or risk.

At band E expect either a more detailed explanation, with located examples, of some opportunities and risk (do not expect balance) or a discussion of the overall balance between opportunity and risk.

At band F expect both.

Marks should be allocated according to the markbands.


Examiners report

(i/ii) No problems.

(iii) Many struggled with this question. Some correctly referred to high albedo, latitude, and lack of solar radiation.


There were some sound answers. Most were able to refer to a relevant example; sometimes the responses lacked development.


This was often well answered, with good exemplification, with the Aral Sea being frequently used. There was good understanding of risks and opportunities involved with irrigation; some referred to different irrigation techniques.


Syllabus sections

Optional themes » Option C: Extreme environments » Opportunities and challenges for management » Mineral extraction
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