Complete course for students
This section of the site is written specifically for you, the student. It provides complete syllabus coverage for all students who have been signed up (at no extra cost to you or the school) to student access by their teacher in a subscribing school. It is designed to be used both as you learn throughout the Standard Level or Higher Level course and as a review (revision) aid before you take your final examinations. In addition to all the subject specific chemistry required for each topic and sub-topic it also contains all the other information and advice that all IB Diploma chemistry students need. This includes coverage of Approaches to learning, the Nature of Science, Final assessment including areas of difficulty and Internal Assessment. It contains well over 1000 IB style questions (both multiple choice and short-answer) with worked answers so you can learn from any mistakes you make.
Using this site will not only help you achieve a high grade in IB chemistry but also increase your enjoyment and understanding of chemistry and provide you with all the tools and training to think critically and put chemistry into a global context.
Please note that all the pages in this section are immediately available to you except the links to most of the quizzes and short-answer type questions. This is because teachers may decide to retain these to set as a test or homework so would not want you to see them beforehand. If you want access to any to these (all of which come with model worked answers) then simply ask your teacher to unblock the page by marking it as "direct student access".
Brief summary of contents of 'Complete course for students'
1. Full coverage of each topic and sub-topic
- The learning outcomes (i.e. understanding and skills required)
- Key vocabulary
- Links to other areas of the chemistry syllabus
- Gallery of slides covering all the key concepts with worked examples
- A challenge for you to think more deeply about the sub-topic
- Quizzes and short-answer questions (with worked model answers) to test your understanding
- Further resources, e.g. videos.
2. Approaches to learning
Information, advice and discussion on:
- Thinking skills
- Communication skills
- Social skills
- Self-management skills
- Research skills
- Reflection skills
3. The Nature of Science
- What is the nature of science?
- Key terms and concepts
- Nature of Science and critical thinking
- The culture of chemistry
- Practice questions
4. Practical work
- Why do practical work?
- The four components of the practical scheme of work
- Access to information & worksheets on more than 35 different experiments
- Details of the mandatory areas
- Information and advice on the Group 4 Project
5. Internal Assessment (IA)
- Essential information and requirements
- How to prepare beforehand
- Choosing the research question
- Details and advice on the five examined criteria when writing the report
- Genuine examples of marked IA reports
6. Final External Assessment
- Essential facts (e.g. command terms, grade descriptors and grade boundaries, remarks and retaking)
- Tips for students for all three examination papers
- Practice multiple choice exams for Paper 1
- In depth coverage of particular areas that students find difficult in Paper 2
- Practice data response and experimental work questions for Section A in Paper 3
7. Extended essays in chemistry
- How to choose the subject and the area for your research
- Formulating a precisely worded and sharply focused research question
- How to research your essay including how to reference correctly and compile your bibliography
- Writing your essay to address the criteria fully in order to maximise your marks
- The assessment criteria with examples of common errors made by students
8. Access to some of the teacher pages
You also currently have access to some of the pages written for teachers on the rest of the site. You can find information and help on all aspects such as Mandatory laboratory experiments, Other good experiments, Theory of Knowledge (TOK), Incorporating IM, TOK, 'Utilization', Critical Thinking ... etc. During the next year I will be editing many of these to make versions that are specifically directed towards students (rather than teachers) and these student-orientated pages will then also appear here.
Selected Pages

The Nature of Science 26 July 2022
1. What is science and what is the scientific endeavour?2. The understanding of science3. The objectivity of science4. The...

Full coverage of each topic and sub-topic 18 September 2021
This section is effectively an interactive text book that provides complete coverage of the whole of the IB Diploma chemistry...

Approaches to learning 18 September 2021
In addition to reflecting at times on how you are taught it is equally, if not more, important to consider how you learn....

External assessment (Exams) 18 September 2021
We have come a long way since Henry Armstrong made the following statement:“When Prof. Ayrton and I were appointed the...

Criterion E 27 October 2021
Criterion E focuses on your engagement with the planning and process of your Extended Essay and on your reflections on your...

Criterion D 27 October 2021
Criterion D focuses on the structure and layout of your essay. This page details what is required to gain maximum marks...