User interface language: English | Español

Date May 2019 Marks available 2 Reference code 19M.2.HL.TZ0.13
Level HL Paper 2 Time zone no time zone
Command term Outline Question number 13 Adapted from N/A


Many city authorities have realised the opportunities that social media and collective intelligence can provide.

Narayan City is considering using data gathered from citizens using traffic apps on their GPS-enabled mobile devices to help plan future changes to the layout of the road network in and around the city.

Outline one advantage for Narayan City of using collective intelligence to solve complex problems such as changing the layout of roads.


Many social networking sites allow users to classify their posts and responses, for example by adding one or more “hashtags”.

To what extent does the increasing number of social networking sites and the creation of folksonomies contribute to web users modifying their online behaviour?



Award [2 max].
Enables Narayan City to gather data from many more sources than would be possible through the use of traditional data-gathering methods;
This will enable far more information to be gathered far more quickly than using traditional methods;

Data is generated proactively by citizens' actions;
Therefore, data more likely to reflect what citizens actually do rather than what they might claim they do;
Improves the accuracy of the data;

Existing strategies used by citizens can be incorporated into future planning;
for example, using side-roads to optimize journey times/timing of journeys to avoid major congestion;
Thus, helping to ensure that future plans are optimized / tailored to citizens’ needs;

Data gathering and analysis can be automated;
Therefore, it is very cost effective;
Thus, it is able to be scaled / increased without major impacts on budget;

Data monitoring and collection is real-time;
Therefore, the effect of implementing plans will be reflected by visible changes in use patterns / journey times / routes taken;
Thus, the city council can get reliable feedback/evaluation of how effective their plans are;


Award [6 max].

Possible changes in user behaviour

Accept other reasonable answers that convey similar ideas.


Examiners report

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Most candidates answered this correctly.


Syllabus sections

Option C: Web science » C.6 The intelligent web
Option C: Web science

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