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Date November 2020 Marks available 2 Reference code 20N.2.SL.TZ0.2
Level Standard Level Paper Paper 2 Time zone Time zone 0
Command term Identify Question number 2 Adapted from N/A


Figure 2: Representation of the water cycle

[Source: © International Baccalaureate Organization 2020.]

Identify one transfer and one transformation process shown in Figure 2.






Outline how urbanization might impact two of the storages in Figure 2.



Runoff from agricultural land can result in excess nutrients entering water bodies. Outline one indirect measure of organic pollution. 


Runoff from agricultural land can result in excess nutrients entering water bodies. State one management strategy that could control the release of agricultural runoff.



advection/precipitation/snowmelt runoff/surface run off/infiltration/percolation/groundwater flow/plant uptake;


Note: Only credit those flows identified in diagram.


reduction in biomass storage due to deforestation;
reduction of groundwater storage due to impermeable surfaces/urban withdrawal;
increase in lake/river/ocean storage due to deforestation/increase of impermeable surfaces;
less snow due to urban heat island effects;
increased sediment/pollution in lakes/rivers/oceans/groundwater due to construction/industrialized activities;

Note: Credit can be given for any aspect of urbanisation (deforestation/heat island/impermeable surface etc) with a relevant impact on a named storage that is depicted in given diagram. Only credit impacts on storages not on flows.


Alternative 1:
Named measure [1 max]:
biochemical oxygen demand;

Methodology [2 max]:
measure the initial dissolved oxygen;
keep a sample in the dark for five days and measure DO again;
take the difference of the two measurements;

Alternative 2:
Named measure [1 max]:
biotic index/indicator species;

Methodology [2 max]:
sample the macroinvertebrates in the stream/lake;
through kick sampling/dragging feet along bottom;
identify species present;
identify indicator species/tolerance levels;

Note: Do not credit any direct measure of pollutant like total suspended matter/turbidity etc.


plant a buffer zone;
reduce the use of inorganic fertilizers / replace their use with organic fertilisers;
do not apply fertilizers in the rainy season;
keep animals away from waterways;
treat livestock wastewater (to reduce phosphates and nitrates);
contour ploughing/terracing/agroforestry/drip irrigation (to avoid run off);


Examiners report

Vast majority were able to identify a valid transfer and transformation process.


A good number were mistaken in identifying impacts on flows of the system rather than storages.


Many failed to identify an indirect means of measuring organic pollution and, of those that did, very few could give details of the procedure.


Most were able to identify a strategy for reducing agricultural runoff.


Syllabus sections

Topic 4: Water and aquatic food production systems and societies » 4.1 Introduction to water systems
Topic 1: Foundations of environmental systems and societies » 1.2 Systems and models
Topic 1: Foundations of environmental systems and societies
Topic 4: Water and aquatic food production systems and societies

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