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Date November 2017 Marks available 5 Reference code 17N.1.SL.TZ0.4
Level Standard Level Paper Paper 1 Time zone Time zone 0
Command term Evaluate Question number 4 Adapted from N/A


The resource booklet provides information on Iceland. Use the resource booklet and your own studies to answer the following.

Evaluate the possible impacts of climate change on Iceland.


This question requires “Resource Booklet - Nov 2017 SL paper 1”, available under the "your tests" tab > supplemental materials.

Positive effects [3 max]:
increase in temperature leads to increase in agriculture/farming productivity;
migration of new species might lead to increase in fishing industry;
forest growth at higher altitude may lead to less erosion;
increase in hydroelectric power as more water in glacial rivers;
increase in temperature lowers heating costs in a cold country;
melting of ice/glaciers could make available land for agriculture/forest;
provide favourable conditions for more species/which increases biodiversity;

Negative effects [3 max]:
reduction in population numbers (eg puffin) due to reduced food sources/may have a detrimental effect on reproduction/species unable to adapt to change in climatic conditions;
loss in biodiversity/extinctions;
shifts in food webs as new species arrive/shifts in food web as some species are lost;
economic loss due to reduction in potential catch in fishing industry/loss of some species could result in loss of food supply for humans;
volcanic eruptions more likely as ice melts;
long term decline in hydroelectric power as melt water decreases;
reduced tourism due to loss of attractions eg ice caps/loss of wildlife;
increased precipitation may lead to increase in soil erosion/increased precipitation could increase leaching of nutrients from the soil;
melting of ice/glaciers could cause flooding/increase soil erosion;
melting of ice/glaciers could reduce stores of potential drinking water;
rise in sea levels could cause coastal flooding;
loss of ice/snow could reduce albedo effect/increase heat absorption and lead to further warming;
melting of permafrost will release greenhouse gases/methane/carbon dioxide;

Opinion/Appraisal statement (that is substantiated with evidence) [1 max]:
eg short-term benefits may be accompanied by long-term problems;
Iceland is going to need to be adaptable as economic opportunities must be balanced by losses;
effects may not be known for some time due to multiple factors/feedback/complexity of systems;
Overall climate change will have a positive effect … as the warmer temperatures will allow for greater growth of trees that help conserve the soil/result in greater agricultural yields whereas loss to the limited number of endemic species on the island is likely to be minimal;

Max 4 marks if there is no opinion/appraisal. 

Do not accept only ‘temperature increases productivity/vegetation’ without explanation of how this is a benefit.

Examiners report

Marks achieved for this question varied widely. There were some good responses although a number of students made no or little attempt at the question. Others gave answers that were too vague eg ‘climate change impacts species’ without explaining how and what the impacts of this could be. Most responses lacked any final appraisal.

Syllabus sections

Topic 7: Climate change and energy production » 7.2 Climate change—causes and impacts
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Topic 7: Climate change and energy production

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