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Date May 2017 Marks available 10 Reference code 17M.1.HL.TZ1.04
Level Higher level Paper Paper 1 Time zone Time zone 1
Command term Explain Question number 04 Adapted from N/A


Explain why a high rate of inflation may negatively affect both a country’s export competitiveness and the level of capital investment by firms.


Discuss the view that the use of monetary policy is always the best way to reduce inflation.



Answers may include:

Marks should be allocated according to the Paper 1 markbands for May 2013 forward, part A.


Answers may include:

Discussion may include: the impacts of monetary policy on the economy, trade, employment, households, savings, investment, confidence, etc. It may also consider the merits of monetary policy in comparison with alternative policies to control inflation. It may consider the merits of policy options in relation to cost-push versus demand-pull inflation.

Marks should be allocated according to the Paper 1 markbands for May 2013 forward, part B.


Examiners report


Syllabus sections

Last exams 2021 » Section 2: Macroeconomics » 2.3 Macroeconomic objectives » Low and stable rate of inflation » Types and causes of inflation
Last exams 2021 » Section 2: Macroeconomics » 2.3 Macroeconomic objectives » Low and stable rate of inflation
Last exams 2021 » Section 2: Macroeconomics » 2.3 Macroeconomic objectives
Last exams 2021 » Section 2: Macroeconomics

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