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Date May 2017 Marks available 15 Reference code 17M.1.SL.TZ2.04
Level Standard level Paper Paper 1 Time zone Time zone 2
Command term Discuss Question number 04 Adapted from N/A


Explain the causes of economic growth in terms of an increase in actual output and an increase in potential output.


Discuss the view that the consequences of economic growth are always beneficial.



Answers may include:

Marks should be allocated according to the Paper 1 markbands for May 2013 forward, part A.


Answers may include:

Discussion may include: a consideration that growth is “always” beneficial, the overall costs of growth in relation to its overall benefits, the costs and benefits of growth in terms of the nature of goods produced, how growth might widen the distribution of income, short-term versus long-term consequences of growth and the link between growth and development.

Marks should be allocated according to the Paper 1 markbands for May 2013 forward, part B.


Examiners report


Syllabus sections

Last exams 2021 » Section 2: Macroeconomics » 2.3 Macroeconomic objectives » Economic growth » Consequences of economic growth
Last exams 2021 » Section 2: Macroeconomics » 2.3 Macroeconomic objectives » Economic growth
Last exams 2021 » Section 2: Macroeconomics » 2.3 Macroeconomic objectives
Last exams 2021 » Section 2: Macroeconomics

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