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Date November 2018 Marks available 2 Reference code 18N.2.HL.TZ0.3
Level Higher level Paper Paper 2 Time zone Time zone 0
Command term Define Question number 3 Adapted from N/A



KA is a public limited company that designs, manufactures and sells air conditioners. KA’s unionized employees are motivated and efficient despite not being involved in any decision making. However, they are resistant to change.

The market and competition for air conditioners are growing rapidly. KA operates at full capacity but stock turnover has slowed.

Primary market research revealed that:

To exploit opportunities and overcome weaknesses and threats, KA’s management has decided to redesign its products so that they are energy efficient. KA is considering two options:

Employees have heard rumours of both options and fear for their jobs. Strike action is being considered.

Define the term public limited company.


With reference to QS, explain two features of cradle to cradle manufacturing.


Explain two possible human resource strategies that KA management could use to reduce employees’ resistance to change.


Evaluate the two options that KA is considering.



A public limited company is an incorporated organization listed on a Stock exchange with a legal right to sell shares to the general public.

Candidates are not expected to word their definition exactly as above. Eg may omit mention of Stock Exchange if another feature of incorporation is present.

Award [1] for a basic definition that conveys partial knowledge and understanding.

Award [2] for a full, clear definition that conveys knowledge and understanding similar to the answer above.


Cradle to cradle is a sustainable form of manufacturing. QS seeks to create manufacturing principles that attempt to use production techniques that are efficient but also sustainable and waste free. Two features of using cradle to cradle with reference to QS are as follows:

As its name suggests, QS will design and produce its air conditioners in such a way that most, if not all, of the materials used are recyclable. These materials (like glass, metal, plastic) that form parts of the air conditioners will be recyclable and used again for the production of future models. This will minimise waste.

Cradle to cradle manufacturing with also allow QS to reuse some of the ready components of the old air conditions in the new models instead of disposing of those parts. QS might have to offer some financial incentives for the customers to return their old/outdated air conditioners.

The air conditioners will also be built with biodegradable materials if QS cannot recycle the materials: for example, the carton for packaging of the air conditioners. This aspect will allow QS to reduce the environmental impact of its air conditioners.

Accept any other relevant examples and explanation.

Application here is very difficult – all of the stimulus info is about KA and gives no real links to QS – hence I believe to avoid generic responses, candidates should at least make reference to ‘air-conditioners” ie if responses just refer to QS and this could be replaced with any other company – then this is generic and only [1].

Mark as 2 + 2.

Award [1] for each relevant feature explained and [1] for appropriate application to the organization/type of products to a maximum of [2].

[2] cannot be awarded for the difference if the response lacks either explanation and / or application.

For example:


Two possible change management strategies as part of overall HR strategies that can be used by KA management to reduce the impact of employees’ resistance to change.

The employees are currently not involved in any decision making, so it can be assumed that there is not much communication between employees and management; as such, open and clear communication with the employees can be seen as one possible change strategy. The management should be honest and fully explain the reasons for the change. The management should emphasize the positive outcome of outsourcing as a way to overcome some of the weaknesses of KA, like an opportunity to improve customers’ perceptions. The possibility of new opportunities for employees in the marketing department should be emphasized as a new and motivating challenge. The management should not lie about some of the negative outcomes, like job losses of those who are not going to be employed in the marketing department.

Before a final decision is taken, KA management should change the non-participative way/culture/lack of involvement in decision making and encourage bottom-up participation and consult with the employees and listen to their suggestions and opinion. Some of the more motivated employees might come up with some alternative strategies and/or express their preferences.

Management should acknowledge the fear of the unknown and the possibility of resistance to change due to fear of inability to cope with new challenges. A promise of training should be provided for those who are going to be employed in the marketing department if option 2 is chosen or for all employees if option 1 is chosen.

Another strategy is to appoint a change champion among the employees to encourage those employees who are reluctant to change to see the benefits of both option 1 and 2. Perhaps inviting the Trade Union to put forward solutions to minimizing the negative effects or in fact making the union the change champion.

Do NOT accept – “raising salaries/wages” unless tied to Option 1. Clearly this strategy is not feasible for those laid off in Option 2.

Accept any other relevant change HR strategy.

Award [1] for a relevant generic HR (change management) strategy identified or described and [1] for any additional explanation in context.

[2] cannot be awarded for the chosen (change management) HR strategy if the response lacks either explanation and / or application.

For example:

Do not credit non-HR strategies. Analysis of strategies is not required.


Refer to Paper 2 markbands for May 2016 forward, available under the "Your tests" tab > supplemental materials.

Given the fact that KA redesigned their product, both options will have the same starting point of being more energy efficient.

Some of the possible arguments for option 1:

Some of the possible arguments for option 2:

Overall, both options can potentially enable KA to become a more environmentally and ecologically sustainable organization. The second option will enable KA to achieve this in the short term, however the possibility of strike action is real and this will require some significant conflict resolution strategies by KA’s management. Some of the good will enjoyed by KA will be undermined by this move.

Accept any other relevant argument for each option.

Accept any other substantiated judgment.

It is expected that candidates provide a conclusion with a substantiated judgment.

Marks should be allocated according to the paper 2 markbands for May 2016 forwards.

For one relevant issue that is one-sided, award up to [3]. For more than one relevant issue that is one-sided, award up to a maximum of [4].

If a candidate evaluates / addresses only one option, award a maximum of [5].

A balanced response is one that provides at least one argument for and one argument against each option.

Candidates may contrast one option with another for a balance as long as at least two arguments are given for each option.

Award a maximum of [6] if the answer is of a standard that shows balanced analysis and understanding throughout the response with reference to the stimulus material but there is no judgment/conclusion.

Candidates cannot reach the [7–8] markband if they give judgment/conclusions that are not based on analysis/explanation already given in their answer.


Examiners report


Syllabus sections

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