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Date November 2021 Marks available 15 Reference code 21N.3op2.HL.TZ0.23
Level Higher level only Paper Paper 3 (History of the Americas) Time zone TZ0
Command term Evaluate Question number 23 Adapted from N/A


Section 12: The Great Depression and the Americas (mid 1920s–1939)

Evaluate the importance of popular mobilization and repression in one Latin American country during the Great Depression.


The question requires candidates to make an appraisal of the importance of popular mobilization and repression in one Latin American country during the Great Depression. Likely choices could be Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico, though any Latin American country is acceptable. Candidates may refer to popular mobilization movements in many Latin American countries that rose up in order to protect workers from the economic disparities caused by the Depression and the slow response of the government. Candidates may highlight that some of these movements can be seen as quite nationalistic, as seen in the popular support for Vargas in Brazil, Alessandri in Chile and Cárdenas in Mexico, all of which brought about significant political change. At the same time, repression occurred in many Latin American countries such as Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil and Nicaragua. Candidates’ opinions or conclusions will be presented clearly and supported by appropriate evidence.

Examiners report

The evaluation of the importance of popular mobilization and repression in one Latin American country during the Great Depression produced some responses that, though outstanding in terms of knowledge, did not demonstrate a clear understanding of the concept of "popular mobilization" and/or "repression." Repression was better understood than popular mobilization, thus many essays were knowledgeable but not very focused on the demands.

Syllabus sections

HL options: first exams 2017 » HL option 2: History of the Americas » 12: The Great Depression and the Americas (mid 1920s–1939) » Latin American responses to the Great Depression: import substitution industrialization (ISI); social and economic policies; popular mobilization and repression
HL options: first exams 2017 » HL option 2: History of the Americas » 12: The Great Depression and the Americas (mid 1920s–1939)
HL options: first exams 2017 » HL option 2: History of the Americas
HL options: first exams 2017

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