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Date May 2021 Marks available 4 Reference code 21M.1.BP.TZ0.14
Level Both SL and HL Paper Paper 1 - first exams 2017 Time zone TZ0
Command term Analyse Question number 14 Adapted from N/A


Source M Statement of purpose adopted in 1960 by the Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), revised 29 April 1962.

We affirm [state] the philosophical or religious ideal of nonviolence as the foundation of our purpose …

Through nonviolence, courage displaces fear; love transforms hate. Acceptance dissipates [banishes] prejudice; hope ends despair. Peace dominates war; faith reconciles doubt. Mutual respect cancels hatred. Justice for all overcomes injustice … Love is the central theme of nonviolence.

Love is the force by which God binds man to himself and man to man. Such love goes to the extreme; it remains loving and forgiving even in the midst of hostility. It matches the capacity of evil to inflict suffering with an even more enduring capacity to absorb evil, all the while persisting in love …

Nonviolence nurtures [encourages] the atmosphere in which reconciliation and justice become actual possibilities.

[Source: Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee, 1960. Statement of purpose. [pdf] Available at: [accessed 8 May 2019]. Source adapted.]

With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of Source M for an historian studying the African American struggle for civil rights during the period 1954–1965.




The focus of the question is on the value and limitations of the source. If only value or limitations are discussed, award a maximum of [2]. Origin, purpose and content should be used as supporting evidence to make relevant comments on the value and limitations. For [4] there must be at least one reference to each of them in either the value or the limitations.

Examiners report

Most candidates analysed the origin, purpose and content of the source to find some value and limitations. In general, candidates seem to have a better understanding of what is required and how to approach this question. Stronger responses gave clear and specific explanations of value and limitations. However, there were a proportion of responses that merely described the origin and purpose and others that described the provenance at length before going on to explain value and limitations which wasted valuable time. Some candidates did not refer to one of the elements in their response, for example no reference to purpose or to content. To attain full marks, candidates should be aware that they need to make valid comments on the value and limitations of the source drawn from its origin, purpose and content.

Syllabus sections

Prescribed subjects: first exams 2017 » 4. Rights and protest » Case study 1: Civil rights movement in the United States (1954–1965) » The role and significance of key actors/groups » Key groups: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP); Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) and Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC); the Nation of Islam (Black Muslims)
Prescribed subjects: first exams 2017 » 4. Rights and protest » Case study 1: Civil rights movement in the United States (1954–1965) » The role and significance of key actors/groups
Prescribed subjects: first exams 2017 » 4. Rights and protest » Case study 1: Civil rights movement in the United States (1954–1965)
Prescribed subjects: first exams 2017 » 4. Rights and protest
Prescribed subjects: first exams 2017

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