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Date May 2019 Marks available 15 Reference code 19M.3op2.HL.TZ0.13
Level Higher level only Paper Paper 3 (History of the Americas) Time zone TZ0
Command term Discuss Question number 13 Adapted from N/A


Section 7: Nation-building and challenges (c1780–c1870)

“The War of 1812 had a greater impact on British North America than it did on the US.” Discuss.


The question requires that candidates offer a considered and balanced review of the statement. Discussion may extend beyond the timeframe but it must be clearly linked to the issue raised in the question. Candidates may offer equal coverage of British North America and the US or they may prioritize their evaluation of either. However, both aspects will be a feature of the response. Candidates may refer to the fact that the Treaty of Ghent (1814) brought no territorial change and did not address the main issues which had led to war. With the defeat of Tecumseh’s confederation, the Creek confederation and Britain’s military withdrawal, the path was opened for expansion into territory held by indigenous tribes. It may be asserted that, by their defence efforts, residents of Upper Canada ended the possibility of Canada being annexed by the US. Candidates might contest the premise by arguing that the war caused a surge in US manufacturing and contributed to a growth in nationalism.

Examiners report

The question required candidates to offer a considered and balanced review of the statement that the War of 1812 had a greater impact on British North America than it did on the US. When chosen, most candidates took exception to the statement but lacked the ability to apply depth of knowledge in support of their position.

Syllabus sections

HL options: first exams 2017 » HL option 2: History of the Americas » 7: Nation-building and challenges (c1780–c1870) » War of 1812: causes and impact on British North America and the United States
HL options: first exams 2017 » HL option 2: History of the Americas » 7: Nation-building and challenges (c1780–c1870)
HL options: first exams 2017 » HL option 2: History of the Americas
HL options: first exams 2017

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