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Date May 2018 Marks available 15 Reference code 18M.2.BP.TZ2.14
Level Both SL and HL Paper Paper 2 - first exams 2017 Time zone TZ2
Command term Compare and contrast Question number 14 Adapted from N/A


Compare and contrast the impact of industrialization on the standards of living in two countries.


Candidates will give an account of the similarities and differences of the impact of industrialization on the standards of living in two countries, referring to both throughout. Those countries may or may not be drawn from the same region. While the focus of the response must be within the timeframe of this topic, the two examples chosen need not be contemporaneous with each other. Areas for consideration could, among others, include the speed of urban growth and the quality of city planning, the use of child and female labour, real wages and environmental impact. Candidates may point out the positive as well as the negative impact of industrialization in both the short and long term on living standards.

Examiners report


Syllabus sections

World history topics: first exams 2017 » 7. Origins, development and impact of industrialization (1750–2005) » The social and political impact of industrialization » Impact on standards of living; disease and life expectancy; leisure; literacy and media
World history topics: first exams 2017 » 7. Origins, development and impact of industrialization (1750–2005) » The social and political impact of industrialization
World history topics: first exams 2017 » 7. Origins, development and impact of industrialization (1750–2005)
World history topics: first exams 2017

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