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Date May 2018 Marks available 15 Reference code 18M.2.BP.TZ1.16
Level Both SL and HL Paper Paper 2 - first exams 2017 Time zone TZ1
Command term Discuss Question number 16 Adapted from N/A


“Successful independence movements were dependent on skillful and persuasive leaders.” Discuss with reference to two independence movements.


Candidates will offer a considered and balanced review of the hypotheses that successful independence movements were dependent on skillful and persuasive leaders. While the focus of the response must be within the timeframe of this topic, the movements chosen need not have occurred simultaneously, nor need they come from the same region. The movements may be considered separately or a thematic approach may be adopted. Candidates must discuss the importance of the leader to the success of the independence movement and focus on their skill and persuasiveness, possibly through discussion of the methods used to generate support from diverse social groups, their military strategy, their charisma, or motivational speeches. The focus of the question is on the leader’s role; however, candidates may weigh the importance of the leader against other factors that contributed to the movement’s success, such as economic conditions or international support.

Examiners report


Syllabus sections

World history topics: first exams 2017 » 8. Independence movements (1800–2000) » Methods used and reasons for success » Role and importance of leaders of independence movements
World history topics: first exams 2017 » 8. Independence movements (1800–2000) » Methods used and reasons for success
World history topics: first exams 2017 » 8. Independence movements (1800–2000)
World history topics: first exams 2017

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