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Date May 2018 Marks available 3 Reference code 18M.1.BP.TZ0.5
Level Both SL and HL Paper Paper 1 - first exams 2017 Time zone TZ0
Command term What Question number 5 Adapted from N/A


Source E

Inés Lopez, a resident of Ciudad Real, describes a number of the customs that identify her as a Jewish woman when confessing at her Inquisitorial Trial on 22 October 1495.

I, Inés López, appear before Your Reverences with the greatest contrition [remorse] and repentance for my sins … I declare, My Lords, that I did not do servants’ work on some Saturdays, and on Sundays I put on clean clothes. And, sometimes I ate food that was prepared on Friday for Saturday, and I lit candles on Friday evening in accordance with Jewish ritual.

Likewise, I observed some of the Jewish fasts, [fasting] until nightfall. Moreover, I sometimes observed Jewish holidays, when I found out about them from a cousin of mine named Isabel de Lobón, when I was [staying] with her, for she was a widow. And she told me, for the benefit of my soul, to especially observe Passover, for the aforementioned Isabel de Lobón every so often gave me [unleavened bread], warning me not to tell anyone. The aforementioned Isabel de Lobón has left Villarreal [Ciudad Real]; for where, no one knows.

Likewise, I removed the fat from meat whenever I could. Likewise, My Lords, I declare that I ate on low tables at funeral banquets.

[Source: “Inquisitorial Trials of Inés López” by Ronald Surtz in Medieval Iberia by Olivia Remi-Constable and Damian Zurro, p.333, 1997. Reprinted with permission of the University of Pennsylvania Press.]

Source F

Mihály Zichy, an artist, depicts the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in the painting Jewish Martyrs (1871).

What, according to Source E, were the customs that enabled the Inquisition to identify Jews?


What does Source F suggest about the situation of the Jewish population of Spain in the late 15th century?



The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses. It is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Award [1] for each relevant point up to a maximum of [3]


The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses. It is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Award [1] for each relevant point up to a maximum of [2].


Examiners report


Syllabus sections

Prescribed subjects: first exams 2017 » 2. Conquest and its impact » Case study 1: The final stages of Muslim rule in Spain » Impact » The Spanish Inquisition
Prescribed subjects: first exams 2017 » 2. Conquest and its impact » Case study 1: The final stages of Muslim rule in Spain » Impact
Prescribed subjects: first exams 2017 » 2. Conquest and its impact » Case study 1: The final stages of Muslim rule in Spain
Prescribed subjects: first exams 2017 » 2. Conquest and its impact
Prescribed subjects: first exams 2017

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