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Date May 2019 Marks available 2 Reference code 19M.2.SL.TZ0.2
Level Standard Level Paper Paper 2 Time zone Time zone 0
Command term Outline Question number 2 Adapted from N/A


Figure 2: Methods of domestic waste disposal for selected countries

With reference to Figure 2, state the country that has the highest level of recycling/composting.


Outline two possible reasons for greater use of landfills in the United States compared with the European countries shown in Figure 2.


Outline two strategies for reducing the environmental impact of landfill sites.


Identify two problems associated with one of the waste disposal choices of Germany.






more available land in USA / less available land in Europe;
high cost/privatisation of recycling in USA / more subsidies for recycling in Europe;
limited domestic technology for recycling established / dependence on export of recyclables in USA;
in Europe, a stronger environmental education/commitment/more ecocentric EVS;
EU laws/regulations may penalise landfill use/promote alternative disposal;



reducing waste/employing alternative disposal methods;
collection of methane / management to prevent spontaneous ignition;
extraction/treatment of leachates;
use of impermeable liner/clay/materials / locating above impermeable rock;
locating away from surface and groundwater sources/residential areas/vulnerable or valuable ecosystems;
visual screening to reduce impact of eyesore/aesthetic degradation OWTTE;
effective cover/containment system to prevent plastics/lightweight materials blowing into environment;
limiting transport distance/emissions from collecting vehicles;
densely compacting solid waste before dumping;

[2 max]


ALTERNATIVE 1: Waste to energy (through incineration/biogas):
emissions from combustion/anaerobic digestion can be toxic/release GHGs/add to air pollution;
still require disposal of solid waste/ash; requires technology/infrastructure which could be expensive/not cost-effective;
public opposition due to noise/smell/aesthetics/perceived health threats/impact on property prices;
may reduce public incentive to reduce waste;

ALTERNATIVE 2: Recycling/composting:
recycling can be energy intensive;
recycling requires technology which could be expensive;
emissions from recycling process/unaerated composting could release GHGs etc;
limited range of products can be effectively recycled/composted (inappropriate materials/poor sorting/condition);
requires political will/civil management/public collaboration;
recycling can degrade materials;
composting may lead to bacterial/fungal infections / leachates/run-off contaminating soil/water;
may be public opposition to smell of composting;
may reduce public incentive to reduce waste;

Award [1 max] if chosen method is not identified. If both choices (i.e. “waste to energy” AND “recycling/composting” are addressed only credit the higher scoring one).

[2 max]


Examiners report

Vast majority gained credit for this with just the occasional erroneous response of “Australia”.


Many correctly suggested more available land in US but quite a few suggested greater quantity of waste/population which wouldn’t in itself explain the greater percentage use of landfills.


Most were able to suggest one strategy for reducing impact of landfills.


Most were able to identify disadvantages of either ‘waste to energy’ or ‘recycling/composting’.


Syllabus sections

Topic 8: Human systems and resource use » 8.3 Solid domestic waste
Topic 8: Human systems and resource use

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